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== Description == An Arduino is a single-board {{tag|microcontroller}} and {{tag|software}} for programming it. Arduino is designed to be easy to use and extend -- it was originally designed for artists and others unfamiliar with software development, to control student-built interaction design projects. The PCB {{tag|design}}, the host development software, and the {{tag|firmware}} bootloader have all been released under {{tag|open source}} licenses. The Arduino Playground is "a wiki where all the users of Arduino can contribute and benefit from their collective research. This is the place to post and share your own code, circuit diagrams, tutorials, {{tag|DIY}} instructions, tips and tricks, and after all the hard work, to show off your projects!" {{add}} Related wiki: * [[AVRFreaks wiki]] -- each Arduino uses an Atmel AVR {{tag|microcontroller}} * [[RepRap wiki]] -- uses Arduino * [[Gasifier Experimenters Kit wiki]] -- uses Arduino * [[Open Circuits]] -- discusses Arduino and many other open hardware devices * [[AdaWiki]] -- often discusses the Arduino * [[EcoModder wiki]] -- [http://ecomodder.com/wiki/index.php/MPGuino uses the Arduino platform to measure miles per gallon] * [[MakerBot Wiki]] -- uses Arduino * [[eLinux.org Wiki]] -- discusses alternatives to Arduino: embedded CPU boards that are faster but more difficult to use than Arduino, such as ** [[Gumstix users wiki]] ** [[BeagleBoard wiki]] <!-- add description of the wiki here and remove this comment and the dummy categories/tag below and add your own if the wiki's main language isn't English, you can have one description in English and another in the wiki's main language, if you speak it. [[category:FirstAdditional]] [[category:SecondAdditional]] tagging: {{tag|Wikis to add}} -->
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