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(As of: DD Month 2013)

Welcome to ArticleWiki
An open project dedicated to creating an article based resource.



ArticleWiki is a free to use and edit collaboration of all things article related, its function is one of a public resource.

ArticleWiki's aim is to create a detailed catalogue of information relating to every aspect of articles. We propose to begin compiling the catalogue using the project sections, more projects will be added as and when they are required.

Key Projects

  • A comprehensive listing of every known article directory.
  • A comprehensive listing of reknowned article authors.
  • Article writing techniques (writing, marketing etc).
  • Available article related software.
  • Article Spam.
  • Article Related Guides.
  • Free Directory Software.
  • Articles the Future. To begin creating use your prefered project via the links to the left. The list above is by no means restrictive and if you wish add categories yourself then do so by all means. The list above is simply a guide. If you wish to submit data which is not listed above please click the following link which describes in detail how to create additional pages Guide. Anyone can edit or create pages to make them more useful or relevant. As you can imagine a project of this magnitude cannot conceivably be undertaken by one person or even ten, we need everyone who has a knowledge of articles to collaberate to provide a usefull, manageable and easy to use wiki. Although ArticleWiki are highly gratefull to anyone collaborating in this project and we will allow one link back to your web-site, blatant Spam will not be tollerated and abusers of the project may be banned.

    What we're trying to achieve

    ArticleWiki is a project that began, 11 July 2007. The primary goal of this site is to provide a portal which contains all the combined information from around the world relating to every aspect of articles.

    We are doing this so that anyone wishing to find any relevant information has a single location to come to and can find unbiased, non-sales related opinion.

    What we need

    In a nutshell we need people to add contributions of their own, we are hindered by the fact that there only three people editing and creating content and we also believe that having more contributors will add greater weight to articleWiki's authenticity.