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Revision as of 23:12, 23 January 2012 by Hoof Hearted (Talk | contribs) (updated entry, update stats)

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File:CapoeiraWiki logo.png CapoeiraWiki
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Language: French
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Wiki engine: Wikia
Wiki license: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
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Main topic: Capoeira
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"Iê Capoeira !" Ce cri raisonne aujourd'hui partout dans le monde, en Europe comme en Asie, aux Amériques comme en Australie. Belle réussite en seulement une dizaine d'année pour un art martial souvent désavoué par les arts-martiaux "traditionnels" qui la voient comme une danse.

Mais la danse est multiple, pouvant tuer ou divertir, rassembler ou déchaîner les passions, d'une richesse infinie, elle reste mystérieuse, méconnue pour la plupart des pratiquants.

Ce site à pour but de réunir des connaissances et de les mettre à la disposition de tous pour passer sans discrimination de groupe ou de style de capoeira. Le projet est ambitieux mais je compte beaucoup sur la simplicité et la puissance du système du Wiki pour que tout un chacun puisse apporter sa pierre à l'édifice.

Il ne remplacera jamais la parole de nos maîtres et professeurs mais peut nous aider à couper court aux rumeurs et mythes fallacieux.


This CapoeiraWiki page here on WikiIndex is in need of a translation from French to English. If you speak both French and English, please translate it. If you don't, you maybe can contact someone at category:FrenchSpeakers.

If you are able to complete the translation of this article, please change translate (in this template) to translated – to reclassify this article into the category:translations ready for review. Thank-you. :-)

"Capoeira IE!" This cry reason today all over the world, Europe and Asia, the Americas as in Australia. Great success in just ten years for a martial art often disowned by the martial arts "traditional" who see it as a dance.

But dance is multiple, which can kill or entertain, gather or unleash passions, of infinite richness, it remains mysterious, unknown to most practitioners.

This site aims to gather knowledge and make them available to all without discrimination to change group or style of capoeira. The project is ambitious but I rely heavily on the simplicity and power of the wiki system that everyone can make a contribution to the building.

It will never replace the word of our teachers and professors, but can help us put an end to rumours and false myths.

Wiki size: 264 article pages see stats
"NeedsLove" is not in the list of possible values (Vibrant, Active, New, In preparation, Dormant, Spammed, Private, Cannot connect, Dead, Locked, Technical problem, Goal abandoned, Goal reached, Needs love) for this property.

(As of: 23 January 2012)
