For the ProWiki wiki farm, see: Category: ProWiki (farm).
For the community help wiki for ProWiki users, see: ProWikiCenter.

ProWiki development started in 2001 by Helmut Leitner as a fork from UseMod Wiki, and since then it is used for wiki community projects at ProWiki became open source software, and GNU General Public License (GPL'ed) in March 2006, to make it even more widely available. ProWiki is Perl software that is called through Common Gateway Interface (CGI) by Apache or similar web server software. The process delivers web pages to clients, answering corresponding HTTP requests. Users interact with wiki site through their favourite web browsers.

  • The file system is used to keep all data, no database is necessary;
  • Revision control system (RCS) is used for page revisions (can be turned off, but this is not recommended);
  • The crontab subsystem is used to schedule processes (optional);
  • The sendmail interface is used to send e-mail notifications (optional).

Having a virtual server or a root server (LAMP) and administrative access (SSH), you need not worry about requirements. ProWiki is written with performance in mind. An old 1000 MHz / 256 MB PC can handle a hundred wiki systems and 3-5 million page requests per month easily.

Having a simple web-space, your are probably out of luck because you probably can't handle access rights and Apache configuration. Often there are additional restrictions with respect to available memory for programme execution or bandwidth, so it is not really worth the effort to try.

Of course you can install ProWiki independently from the internet, e.g. locally on your PC for personal information management (PIM) or on an intranet server as a communication platform for your organisation. Installation procedures do not change for these applications.

Strengths of the ProWiki engine
External links

Note: the above quotes are attributable to Helmut Leitner[1]

The following wiki sites listed here on WikiIndex are, or were powered by the ProWiki wiki engine.