Category:Wiki Indonesian

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Kategori: Wiki Bahasa Indonesiakategori ini di WikiIndex berisi situs wiki yang ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa nasional dan bahasa resmi negara multi-pulau Asia di Indonesia. Ini berasal dari, dan memiliki kesamaan dengan bahasa Melayu (dari tetangganya, Malaysia).

For wiki sites with Indonesian as their subject-matter, see: category: Indonesian.

Category: Wiki Indonesian — this category here on WikiIndex contains wiki sites that are written in Indonesian, irrespective of the subject-matter of said wiki site. For wiki sites written in languages other than Indonesian, see category: Wiki language for a list of all currently available; for wiki sites written in more than one language (which may include Indonesian), see category: Wiki Multilingual.

This category may also include wiki engines that are written in, or have had their user interface (UI) translated to Indonesian

The Indonesian language (id: bahasa Indonesia) is the national and official language of the Asian multi-island nation of Indonesia. It is derived from, and shares similarities with the Malay language (from its neighbour, Malaysia).


This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.