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Helmut Leitner caricature
Helmut Leitner
Age: Born 1955
Gender: Male
Other names: HelmutLeitner
Nationality: Austrian
Language(s): German, English
Residence: Graz, Austria
Home wiki(s): ProWiki
Editing status: Active
Pers. website: http://www.HLS-software.at
Contact(s): helmut.leitner{[at]}chello.at
35px-Monobook_icon.svg.png This HelmutLeitner person article is a wiki person 'stub'. If you like exploring wiki people articles, researching and verifying their biographies, you can help by expanding this stub article, thanks.  :-)

Helmut Leitner is a software developer from Graz, Austria. Born 1955 in Salzburg, married, two children. Wiki developer. A theoretical chemist in a former life. Started programming in FORTRAN using punched cards in 1970. Languages I currently use: C, Perl, Visual Basic. Other languages I used for projects: Fortran, Pascal, Assembler, Java. Other languages I looked at: Ada, Algol, C++, C#, Forth, Lisp, Scheme. Interests: family, sports, games, books, philosophy.

For the moment just links to my homepages at MeatballWiki and GruenderWiki: