Wiki size: 3,417 article pages see stats

(As of: 2023-06-02)

The Mystery Dungeon Franchise Wiki (MDFW) covers all things Mystery Dungeon, a role-playing game. From games to anime shorts, manga, comics, soundtracks, merchandise, and more.


The MDFW was originally founded in 2008 as the Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer wiki on Wetpaint by karmarogue. In 2013, Wetpaint was obtained by WikiFoundry where it remained until 17 September 2018. The wiki was ported to Gamepedia by admin Nerthing and mod Rhaining. Just under a year later, it was upgraded to a franchise wiki by admin Korra II. When the MDFW became a franchise wiki, several other wikis and projects were absorbed along the way. On 7 November 2020, the wiki was taken independent.

The MDFW is an amalgamation of the following projects:

  1. Shiren the Wanderer Wiki (Wetpaint WikiFoundry)
    • Status: deleted, partially archived by MDFW staff.
  2. Gamepedia Shiren the Wanderer Wiki (Wetpaint WikiFoundry
    • Status: deleted, archived by MDFW staff.
  3. Shiren the Wanderer 3 Wiki (Wetpaint WikiFoundry)
    • Status: deleted, archived by MDFW staff.
  4. Shiren the Wanderer 3 FAQ by AverageLemonade
    • Status: active
  5. Fandom Shiren the Wanderer Wiki (Wikia Fandom)
    • Status: deleted
  6. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky Wiki (Wikia Fandom)
    • Status: deleted
  7. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Wiki (Wikia Fandom)
    • Status: archived on Fandom, archived by MDFW staff.
External links