This PaulGu Wiki has been dead (offline) since mid 2022.
Wiki size: 79 article pages see stats

(As of: 2023-05-14 – at WikiApiary)

PaulGu Wiki, also stylised PaulGuWiki, is a former personal wiki site from Paul Gu from Canada.

PaulGu Wiki was powered by MediaWiki. MediaWiki is a popular PHP application used to power a lot of websites including Wikipedia.

This site hosts my projects, MediaWiki skins (or MediaWiki templates), and MediaWiki references. You can also visit for other information.

The template running on this site is called GuMax, which is designed and developed by Paul Gu. GuMax are a suite of well designed, absolutely free professional MediaWiki skins and templates originally written for They are now adopted by media companies, schools, and personal web sites, including this very website, the home of

Feel free to download latest GuMax skins and templates right away, or click Mediawiki Skins to explore the details of these great MediaWiki skins and templates.

Along with the most popular MediaWiki skins, many great MediaWiki extensions have been developed and available for free. Flv/Media player and Google AdSense are well-known and absolutely free to any users. Go to Mediawiki Extensions to find more information and feel free to download.

External links