Harry Potter Fan-fiction Wiki: Difference between revisions

Text replacement - "http://s3.amazonaws.com/" to "https://s3.amazonaws.com/"
m (Text replacement - "http://s3.amazonaws.com/" to "https://s3.amazonaws.com/")
(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|name             = Harry Potter Fan-fiction Wiki
|name             = Harry Potter Fan-fiction Wiki
|logo             = [[Image:NoLogo.png]]
|URL              = http://De.HP-Fan-fiction.Wikia.com
|URL               = http://de.hp-fan-fiction.wikia.com
|logo             = [[File:NoLogo.png]]
|recentchanges URL = http://de.hp-fan-fiction.wikia.com/wiki/Special:RecentChanges
|recentchanges URL= No <!--http://De.HP-Fan-fiction.Wikia.com/wiki/Spezial:Letzte_Änderungen-->
|wikinode URL     = No
|wikinode URL    = No <!--http://De.HP-Fan-fiction.Wikia.com/wiki/WikiNode - if none, use 'No'-->
|status           =  
|about URL       = No <!--http://De.HP-Fan-fiction.Wikia.com/wiki/MAIN_PAGE:About - if none, use 'No'-->
|language         = German
|mobile URL       = No <!--http://De.HP-Fan-fiction.Wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page?useskin=wikiamobile-->
|editmode         =  
|founder          = <!--wiki founder(s) name(s); only wikilink to existing article, otherwise plain text - if unknown leave void-->
|engine           = Wikia
|requested by    = requester <!--DELETE this field if the Wikia was created using Special:CreateWiki on Community Central-->
|license           = CC-BY-SA
|status           = Goal abandoned
|maintopic         = Harry Potter
|language         = German
|backupurl         =  
|editmode         = OpenEdit
|backupdate       =  
|engine           = Wikia <!--a heavily modified, unique and customised MediaWiki - so use Wikia here-->
|license         = Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike
|maintopic       = Harry Potter
|pages = 21 <!--Necessary. Type the plain number of pages - NO thousands separators.-->
|backupurl       = https://s3.amazonaws.com/wikia_xml_dumps/d/de/dehpfanfiction_pages_full.xml.7z<!--
|statistics URL = http://de.hp-fan-fiction.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Statistics <!--Preferred, source of page count (often a 'Statistics' page). If unknown leave void.-->
|backupdate       = 2018-MM-DD--><!--ISO 8601 date of backup URL; as in YYYY-MM-DD-->
|wikiFactor = <!--Optional. If unknown leave void. See: Category:wikiFactor.-->
|wikiFactor URL = <!--Preferred, source of wikiFactor (often 'PopularPages' or 'MostVisitedPages'). If unknown leave void.-->
{{Size <!--see Template:Size for full detail-->
}}(As of: 5 April 2012)<!--manually add or amend date when stats are verified and/or updated-->
|pages= 21 <!--type the plain number of pages - NO thousands separators-->
|statistics URL= http://De.HP-Fan-fiction.Wikia.com/wiki/Spezial:Statistik
|wikiFactor= <!--preferred, if unknown leave void, see: Category:wikiFactor for help-->
|wikiFactor URL= <!--preferred, wF source; use an archived URL if available-->
}}(As of: 2012-04-05)<!--manually add/amend ISO date; as in YYYY-MM-DD when stats are verified and/or updated-->


The '''Harry Potter Fan-fiction Wiki''' is a former {{tag|De.Wikia|German}}-language {{tag|Wikia}} literature community wiki on {{tag|Harry Potter}}, focussing on {{tag|fan fiction}}.  It is now a [https://Translate.Google.co.uk/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2FDe.Community.Wikia.com%2Fwiki%2FHilfe%3AGeschlossene_Wikis&edit-text= 'Closed wiki'].[http://De.Community.Wikia.com/wiki/Hilfe:Geschlossene_Wikis]
{{Harry Potter}}
{{Harry Potter}}
[[Category:Founded in YYYY]]<!--http://De.HP-Fan-fiction.Wikia.com/wiki/Spezial:Älteste_Seiten-->