Welcome to WikiIndex — the 'wiki index' of all wikis, wiki people, wiki software, wiki farms, and wiki ideas.
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Note: WikiIndex is not a wiki hosting service.

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WikiIndex — the wiki of all wikis :-)[edit]

The people of WikiIndex are creating a complete directory of all wiki websites on the internet; current and former. We describe each wiki using several systems of categorisation. We want to help people find the kind of wikis they are most interested in, and to map out the internet-wide wiki landscape, or wikisphere.

Our outlook[edit]

Since this site is also a 'wiki', its pages are created, edited, changed, revised, and updated by people like YOU. Please join us, and contribute to this effort, and add a wiki, or check out our community portal!

Why do we at WikiIndex make it so easy to edit our wiki by anyone; anytime, anywhere? Because we (like many other wiki communities) have the ethos that the best way to both improve our content, and reduce errors; is to make it extremely easy to create new articles, edit existing articles, and correct mistakes; rather than making it harder for people to make mistakes.

What WikiIndex is not[edit]

  • WikiIndex is not an encyclopaedia — if you've seen Wikipedia.org (or one of its many related sites), you'll recognise the MediaWiki software that this WikiIndex wiki site uses. Wiki software allows you to create pages, and interlink topics very easily, but here we are interested only in creating pages of a particular type; we are not building an encyclopaedia. That is what Wikipedia is for! On this WikiIndex wiki, every regular page (i.e. every article page in the main namespace) is a page describing either another wiki, or a wiki person, or a wiki idea. We have pages dealing with wiki related topics like wiki engines (ie, wiki software) and wiki farms as well. Generally, administrative 'meta' pages like this one, which provide supporting information about the task of building WikiIndex, are in the 'project' namespace, so people wanting to browse by using the 'random page' feature will find wikis or people, not instructions or discussions. (This is not a decision that has full consensus, some folks think that instructions and discussion are worthy topics for 'random page').
  • WikiIndex is not a website directory — we are indexing (or making a directory of) only wiki websites. Not just any website. It has to be a website powered by wiki software. Although we may be interested in other websites, e.g.; websites with articles about wikis, these do not appear as listings in this index (with their own page, added to categories etc). If you want to list your website on a wiki, check out AboutUs. If a website listed here does not appear to be powered by wiki software, you may have found a page that we should delete; however, we do list read-only wikis where the wiki software may not be immediately apparent.
  • WikiIndex is not a business directory — although we may have listings that appear to be about a particular company, that is only because that company has a wiki! We are listing wikis, not companies. You can create a listing for any company if you go to AboutUs.
  • WikiIndex is not a link farm — we are creating this index for the benefit of real human visitors. It is not about search engine rankings. Any edits that are crammed full of keywords for 'search engine optimisation' (SEO) purposes should be adjusted for the benefit of human visitors of this site. Wiki-spam should be removed immediately!

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)[edit]

See: WikiIndex: Frequently asked questions.

See also[edit]