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WikiIndex:Add a Wiki

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fr: WikiIndex: Ajouter un Wiki, it: WikiIndex: Aggiungi una Wiki

WikiIndex: Add a Wiki — welcome! You are invited to add a wiki site to this WikiIndex wiki site of all wikis. Please first see WikiIndex:About. When you are ready, please follow the three simple steps listed below to help create a new wiki site article page, or edit an existing wiki site article page here on WikiIndex:

Step 1 – check to see if it's already listed here

Please check the drill-down view of list of wiki sites . Try to find the correct name of the wiki site.

Use the search feature in the left sidebar menu to check if the wiki site is already listed here. We already have quite a big index! Try some alternate names of your wiki site (e.g. with or without the word 'wiki' on the end, or the word 'the' at the beginning). If you find it already listed here, and the included URL is the correct one, there is no need to add it again; just edit the existing information (if needed)!

Step 2 – create the wiki article page

if needed . . .

Type the exact name of the wiki site into the above edit field, and click on the 'Edit an existing wiki article page, or create a new wiki article page' button. You will be transferred to a newly created article page, or to an existing wiki article page (if it already exists). Fill in there what you know; at least the URL link address of the wiki site. (It's pretty easy to rename the article later according to our WikiIndex:Naming conventions).

Click on 'Show preview' to make sure everything looks correct and accurate, then confirm your changes and save the article page.

To put a logo on the required wiki site article page . . .

  • You must be an existing WikiIndex registered user, and log in before you can upload an image. Otherwise, please request a new account, and wait for the new account approvals process to complete, then log in;
  • Click on the Upload file link in the 'tools' section on the lower left hand sidebar;
  • Locate your logo file using the 'Choose file' button;
  • Upload the file, remembering to also 'tag' the file with {{WikiLogoOf}} in the 'Summary' box, along with any appropriate license(s), then click on the 'Upload file' button at the bottom of the page;
  • Copy the page name of your new logo file page;
  • In the appropriate wiki article page, click on the 'edit' tab at the top of the page, and find the |logo = field of its Wiki infobox template, then replace No (which automatically displays 'File:NoLogo.png') in the code above with your new logo file page name;
  • Click on 'Show preview' to verify your new logo is displaying correctly in the wiki article page, and if you are satisfied, Save your edit to the wiki article page.

As an alternative, if you do not want to log-in (or request an account) here on WikiIndex, and you know the URL for the wiki site logo, you can hotlink to that logo using its URL in the same |logo = field of the wiki infobox template.

Note: if you upload an image with its filename that starts with a lower-case letter, this first character is automatically converted to upper case. The MediaWiki wiki software we use is case insensitive to ONLY the first letter of any File name (and also case insensitive to article, Category, User, Template, and all other namespace page names). So prepare to use a link to 'LogoXYZ.gif' when you've actually uploaded 'logoXYZ.gif'.

An alternate way to put a logo on the wiki site article page is described at WikiProject:Logos.

Optional – categorizing

See also