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This page is a brief overview about what wikis are. It could also refer to WikiWikiWeb; the very first wiki software.
Don't know what a wiki is? Check out:
- This simple illustration at CommunityWiki – WhyWikiWorks;
- An article about wiki at the English Wikipedia, along with the history of wikis;
- This 8 minute screencast video – Heavy Metal Umlaut;
- Ward Cunningham's in-depth interview regarding his idea of wiki.
Try it out! Click on the edit tab at the top of [nearly]† any page. Don't worry, you won't break anything. See also: Differences between wikis and other kinds of websites.
†A tiny number of pages on a wiki are usually not able to be edited all. These are typically 'special' pages which define the look and feel of an individual wiki site. Other isolated pages may have editing restricted to trusted members, due to being high targets for spamming and / or vandalism.
و هو مشتق من كلمة هاوائية (من جزر هاواي) و يعني سريع
وقد يعني هذا المصطلح اسم مجموعة اخرى.
- 这页面讲的是维基是什么。它也可以指WikiWikiWeb。
- 这个简单画作在CommunityWiki – WhyWikiWorks
- 这个八分钟屏幕截屏 – Heavy Metal Umlaut