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Category:OpenEdit — the wiki sites listed here on WikiIndex in this category are open to editing by anyone, including anonymous internet users; often called 'IP editors'. You do not need to register with a username, nor log-in prior to editing. This usually applies to the vast majority of normal article pages on the wiki site (within the main 'namespace'); but not necessarily to the whole wiki (in particular it need not apply to the wiki 'home page' (or 'main page'), which is often locked completely to reduce vandalism), nor templates (as vandalism to high-importance templates can have a disastrous effect on the entire wiki). The downside to open editing is that the site may be subjected excessive spam and/or vandalism; and will need a team of vigilant sysops to limit the said effects of spam / vandalism.


This category has only the following subcategory.


Pages in category “OpenEdit”

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 4,941 total.

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