77 Days Wiki

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77 Days Wiki
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Founded by: unknown
Status: Dormant
Language: English
Edit mode: OpenEdit
Wiki engine: Fandom
Wiki license: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike
Main topic: YouTube
Wiki size: 264 article pages see stats

(As of: 2022-12-02)

The 77 Days Wiki (formerly: Pronunciation Book Conspiracy Wiki), a Fandom TV community wiki site hosted by Fandom, is a free, public and collaborative project to help create a definitive encyclopaedia of all things related to the 77 Days Video Countdown, including Pronunciation Book, Horse_ebooks, Bear Stearns Bravo, This Is My Milwaukee, and more. It was founded on 13 July 2013.


On 9 July, the YouTube channel Pronunciation Book, which previously posted videos teaching English, began posting cryptic videos counting down to September 24th. Gaining a following from various boards and Reddit, the 77 Days wiki was then founded as a collaborative exploration of the enigmatic countdown, and all related avenues of investigation.

Finally, 9/24 arrived, and Pronunciation Book revealed itself to be a massive multisocial media art project alongside Twitter spambot Horse_ebooks, the Tumblr blog Let's Talk About System, and the separate YouTube channel Video Royale, all leading up to a new online game by Synydyne, Bear Stearns Bravo, which is also set in the world of their 2008 alternate reality game This Is My Milwaukee.

Following the reveal, the wiki changed direction, dedicating itself to cataloguing all things related to 77 Days, including the aforementioned projects.