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Status: Active
Language: English
Edit mode: LoginToEdit
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: Creative Commons"Creative Commons" is not in the list (Custom license, Attribution to contributing authors, Copyright to contributing authors, Site retains copyright, WTFPL, Licence Art Libre, Open Content License, Apache License, BSD Documentation License, FreeBSD Documentation License, ...) of allowed values for the "Wiki license" property.
Main topic: Innovation

WikiSynergy is a new wiki which attempts to document and discuss "frontier thought" by presenting all viewpoints on controversial subjects. The site is founded on the principles of collegiality and the Global Point of View, which means that each viewpoint remains uncensored and is given its own space. However, by putting viewpoints side by side (including skeptical viewpoints) the reader is given a clear picture of the debate and thus has the information to form their own opinions. The site is set up to deal with most highly controversial issues, especially those which are scientifically controversial, such as the paranormal, alternative medicine, conspiracy theories etc. There may be no other wikis set up to deal with controversial issues in this way.


As of late September 4, 2009, the site was pulled down and all that is available at is this message:

"This site is being shut down. The reason is that the threat level to the founder is unacceptable. Threats have been made to attack my reputation in real life. Although I believe that the friend who made the threats and then apologized will keep their word, that does not eliminate the threat from others. If even one of the several people who know who I really am make an accidental slip (as already happened once), I could be subject to a campaign of harassment and lies which will deeply effect my life. I had planned to continue my campaign to eliminate pseudoscience from the skeptical community, by providing a place where skeptics and believers could hash out their differences in a collegial environment. Still, there will be those whose ideas we debunk, because they are unscientific. The site is intrinsically a place for controversy and dispute. I know that in the future, the risk would only get worse. I cannot risk my real-world life, or my real-world material existence, in order to help the arena of fringe ideas progress to a higher level.

I apologize to the contributors!

It is possible that the site may be put back up, so please watch this space. But as of now, WikiSynergy is gone."


Wiki size: 86 article pages