Currently we observe very special spam attacs -- only IPs -- that place single nonsense words in existing pages.

John stated that we are not the only wiki that ist annoyed, they are testing the terrain before putting in real spam, said Felix.

I find it useful to block them for some days or weeks for the first. If we see them spamming again we can than block them even longer.

If you are blocked

If your, as a normal user, feel blocked due to a blocked IP, please contact one of the administrators. They will unblock you.

Lists of blocked IPs

Maybe we should make blocked IPs visible and describe why we have blocked them.

MediaWiki has two build-in functions for keeping track of blocking actions on IPs and user accounts

This is the list of IPs blocked by User:Peu as a starting point. I'm lookung on my blocking policy marking blocking durations --Wolf | talk 03:41, 7 October 2007 (EDT) 1d = 1 day 1w = 1 week 1m = 1 month

here the list: