User talk:Peu

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Revision as of 21:39, 11 November 2009 by Peu (talk | contribs) (→‎Hi GreenReaper,: copy deleted, answered on ori. talk, I'm watching it.



MattisManzel 05:53, 23 September 2009 (EDT):
Hatte deine Nachricht im Mattis-Manzel-wiki übersehen, sorry. Nutze ich wenig. Hi.

Und gleich ganz oben, prima. Hi. Welches Wiki nutzt du denn regelmäßig? Jedenfalls nett, dich mal an der Strippe zu haben :-)
Auf einen regen Austausch! --Wolf | talk 12:37, 25 September 2009 (EDT)


I notice you've been searching for "e" or something to categorize non-mediawiki wikis. You've seen this? WikiProject:By Size#How to get size information which shows how to get statistics for other engines? TedErnst | talk 11:58, 5 November 2006 (EST)

Thank you. I'm now on a logo-size-trip and thats why I'm forgetting something, I'll have a look on it again. --Peu | talk 14:46, 5 November 2006 (EST)

Using your name

Thanks, Wolf!! TedErnst | talk 11:51, 20 October 2006 (EDT)

Yes, thanks Wolf! It is important for me to have a real person attached to a real name :-) Best, MarkDilley

tour bus

can the tour bus stops also be added as an optional field in the wiki template? TedErnst | talk 09:13, 21 October 2006 (EDT)

yes it can, but should it be??? I found it greeaat tooo, but the new wiki-box is...
...(will be) now flexible enough to add new fields if needed. Lets watch TourBusStops a little... --Peu 16:51, 21 October 2006 (EDT)
The tour bus stops in teh world are finite and known. If someone's going to be adding any of them here, they might as well be in the wiki template, even if it's just for 5 or 10 sites. They don't have to appear in the template that it's unknown, right? Let's just leave the template blank if that field doesn't appear. In fact, that might be a good thing to do for the size field as well, leave the structured data box blank. I don't have a problem with a SizeUnknown field, but I don't think there's any reason to have a TourBusStop unknown. The reason to add it now is so it doesn't have to be converted later, should we decide to add it, and many sites already have a TBS listed on their page. TedErnst | talk 18:29, 21 October 2006 (EDT)
The size was for me (personally) very important for the decision to look closer at a listed wiki or not (as a former WikiIndex user, that's why I'm here, that was my starting point on WikiIndex). I find the TBS very interesting, but I noticed it today the first time; there were only a few Pages with TBS's. Let's integrate it into the Wiki-Template. Unknown sizes should be listed, it's for quality measurement (active wikis reach from 1 pages up to 2000).
Another question about TBS, what do we do if there are 2 links native and english?
finally I would hide unknown sized and unknown TBS's but I would list at least the unknown sizes in a category. --Peu 18:49, 21 October 2006 (EDT)
To answer the language question, my question back would be "how are they used?" Are their two different tour bus routes stopping that that wiki, one for each language? What do you think we should do? TedErnst | talk 01:40, 22 October 2006 (EDT)
To your question: If there are two pages they are the translation of each other, as far as I can see - sometimes a little bit differing by mistake. In my opinion we should prefer the page in the original wiki-language (if there is one) to the english version --Peu 06:38, 22 October 2006 (EDT)
What I meant was, what links to those pages? Do you know about the TourBus system? One wiki's TourBusStop links to the TourBusStop of the wiki before and after in the chain, like a web-ring. Which page is linked from other wikis? That's the one we should use. TedErnst | talk 10:22, 22 October 2006 (EDT)
Oh (-maybe my inglish is too bad to understand-) the tour bus system was an impressing discovery for me, but I really don't know the system behind. In my opinion there is a (non-2D-topology-)net of bus lines, that could be used by the interested for discovering the wiki way of life. Furthermore the bus line numbers seem to be consistent, the bus line names describe the aspect the tourists can travel along. What we see in a given wiki is the only tour bus stop (sometimes translated into english if the wiki isn't an english one). This stop is connected with 1 or 2 stops for each bus line number. This is what I can grasp. --Peu 13:33, 22 October 2006 (EDT)
Can you give me links to two tour bus stops on one wiki so I can check it out? see also Meatball:TourBus TedErnst | talk 13:51, 22 October 2006 (EDT)
Have a look on these listed in Category:TourBusStop on ore more of them contain(s) a link to a TBS-decription. --Peu 13:54, 22 October 2006 (EDT)

moved to User_talk:TedErnst#re_wiki_logo

Please make sure you point Mark and Ray to your new proposal. Also, if you could solve the image linking to wiki issue in another way (other than the hard link), I can see no reason not to pursue your visual wikiindex idea. Make sure Mark and Ray know about your solution to the linking problem. Thanks! TedErnst | talk 17:12, 24 October 2006 (EDT)
Thanks for your answer, I'm working on it... --Peu 17:18, 24 October 2006 (EDT)

re: time zones

moved to Category talk:Timezone

re: is it done?

I asked because I don't understand how to use the new template. Can you show it to me on a live wiki page? TedErnst | talk 18:14, 25 October 2006 (EDT)

look at Sandbox i used the WikiIndex as test Wiki one usage without any parameter set but the URL, one usage with all parameters set. --Peu | talk 18:17, 25 October 2006 (EDT)

Ah, there are no changes to the boilerplate! Excellent. So this means we don't have to change which template to use, we only have to copy Wiki/2 onto Wiki, correct? TedErnst | talk 18:37, 25 October 2006 (EDT)

This was my first intention too, now I think it would be better to copy only the contents from Wiki/2 to Wiki. So we keep the history of Wiki and leave the Wiki/2 template for further development. ("We are never done.") --Peu | talk 02:49, 26 October 2006 (EDT)

Yes, that's what I meant. Just copy/paste of the contents as an edit in the existing Wiki template history. TedErnst | talk 18:19, 26 October 2006 (EDT)

Wiki/2, Wiki/3, Wiki/4

I created a place for discussion at talk template: wiki TedErnst | talk 12:29, 30 October 2006 (EST)

re: inactive wikis

answer to thead User talk:TedErnst#inactive wikis moved to its origin, to keep talk together. --Peu | talk 14:59, 1 November 2006 (EST)

Cleaning up spam

Hey, when spammers create bogus pages, rather than blank them, delete them and put the URLs on the spam blacklist. — User:Sean Fennel@ 21:49, 8 February 2007 (PST)

Ok, I blanked them and put it on my observed pages list for faster reverting. If the the spam blacklist makes it easier, I'll do it this way. (Am I right with copying the page title to a new line in list blacklist?) --Peu | talk 01:23, 9 February 2007 (PST)
Hey, did you make me admin? --Peu | talk 01:39, 9 February 2007 (PST)
Yes, a new line. Ted made you an admin, not me. (I'm not a bureaucrat.) — User:Sean Fennel@ 22:09, 16 February 2007 (PST)

auto-patrol yourself?

Could you please set your preferences to auto-patrol your edits? thanks! TedErnst | talk 04:25, 27 February 2007 (PST)

do you mean the following?
check Add pages I create to my watchlist
check Add pages I edit to my watchlist
check Add pages I move to my watchlist
check Add pages I delete to my watchlist

I did it, ("Add pages I edit to my watchlist" was already set) --Wolf | talk 09:28, 27 February 2007 (PST)

Actually, I meant something that I cannot find in preferences anymore. Maybe they changed it with the upgrade and now it's automatic. It's fine now. :-) TedErnst | talk 13:00, 28 February 2007 (PST)

Wiki size

I saw that you downgraded my wiki size from 200+ to 100+, stating that the wiki size was 104 pages. How did you arrive at that number? I counted all the pages in my normal namespace, dropped duplicates and non-wiki-theme pages, and still came to a number in excess of 210. And that's not including the Category: namespace, where a good deal of my content lies. --Short Circuit 19:48, 15 March 2007 (PDT)

Hi, Short Circuit, I had a look at the statistics of your wiki and there was stated that there are Number pages that are probably legitimate content pages. Thats the Problem for all wikis based on the MediaWiki software. I know that there are much more content in all these wikis. You may change the size calculation rule for all MediaWiki based wikis. Describe your generalizable method here and we will change that point. best regards --Wolf | talk 01:25, 16 March 2007 (PDT)


C++ doesn't work on Rosetta Code due to HTTP limitations. I understand that it should be possible to fix it with .htacces, but I was never able to get any .htaccess rules to work. Strictly speaking, the problem is with Apache. Apache assumes that + is an encoding character for the space character, so it replaces the + with a space. MediaWiki drops the trailing spaces in the requested page name, so C++ ends up pointing to C. I upgraded to 1.9.1 from 1.6, expecting the problem to go away, but it didn't. Eventually, I couldn't afford spending any more time trying to beat it into submission. I could always try upgrading to 1.9.3, but since the problem primarily lies in Apache, I don't think it would help. --Short Circuit 14:01, 16 March 2007 (PDT)

Upgrading would not work, the problem with C++ has gone already with the upgrade to 1.8.2. I'm sure now that it's not a MediaWiki issue. --Wolf | talk 03:42, 17 March 2007 (PDT)
Here's my .htaccess
RewriteEngine on

RewriteRule ^wiki/?Special:Blog$ [R=permanent,L]
RewriteRule ^sitemap.xml$ /rosettacode/w/sitemap.xml

# uncomment this rule if you want Apache to redirect from to
RewriteRule ^$ /wiki/Main_Page [R]

# do the rewrite
RewriteRule ^wiki/?(.*)$ /rosettacode/w/index.php?title=$1 [L,QSA]

--Short Circuit 15:15, 18 March 2007 (PDT)

Sure. Drop me an email at (mikemol) (at) ( -- 14:38, 20 March 2007 (PDT)
Please, would you Wiki-Mail me instead? --Wolf | talk 14:43, 20 March 2007 (PDT) did it myself --Wolf | talk 15:08, 20 March 2007 (PDT)


Hi there Peu,

I have noticed that you have changed the "wiki_pages" variable for SklogWiki. I have a question; is this variable automatically retrieved and updated? All the best, --Spud Gun 04:56, 6 July 2007 (EDT)

Hi Spud Gun,
no, it isn't, but the size category is (SklogWiki is the first new-style size-categorized of its size class). It would be imaginable to have automatic updated page counts, but the categorization mechanism would'nt work this way. Comparing or grouping wikis by size is more important than life updates for size. WikiIndex-People update all the aspects of a indexed wiki (the wiki software provides only services like Special:Ancientpages). Regards, --Wolf | talk 17:16, 6 July 2007 (EDT)

Ok, The chaps at S23Wiki do seem to retrieve the raw stats on a daily basis (see WikiStats by S23). --Spud Gun 06:01, 9 July 2007 (EDT)

Maybe we can do this sometimes on WikiIndex by a bot. -- 07:00, 9 July 2007 (EDT) oh, thats me --Wolf | talk 07:02, 9 July 2007 (EDT)

Template:Wiki Boilerplate

Hey, your changes to the template Wiki Boilerplate broke things in the statistics part: The links to the "wikis by size" categories don't work anymore. It's because you changed wiki_size to wiki_pages. I would have fixed it already if I only had a clear idea of what you were trying to do with your change and what exactly went wrong...--Speckmade 23:56, 14 July 2007 (EDT)

Hi Speckmade, I want to make the size category names more readable and the sizes itself too, this was a suggestion by an anonymous at Talk:WikiProject:By Size#Use real size numbers. I found the technical solution to this some days ago. I tried to describe the changes in the size project page... (In the hope you are a German speaker -- it's your nick -- I can try to answer your questions better in german). Ask your more specific questions! was it that you did not found some wiki-description in the expected size category? regards, --Wolf | talk 13:14, 15 July 2007 (EDT)
Did you mean this error[1]?, it's fixed now. --Wolf | talk 13:21, 15 July 2007 (EDT)

Nöö... ^__^
Hab' Dir ein Beispiel: Schau mal da. Siehtst Du den nicht(mehr) funktionierenden, roten Verweis? Das passiert, wenn man wiki_pages statt wiki_size nimmt, wie es jetzt in den Kopiervorlagen steht.--Speckmade 04:13, 24 July 2007 (EDT)

Habs mal korrigiert, die Vorlage (Template:Wiki Boilerplate) sollte aber eigentlich stimmen, sprich keine Angabe von Seiten ist ok.-- 04:21, 24 July 2007 (EDT)
Sorry, das war natürlich ich --Wolf | talk 04:22, 24 July 2007 (EDT)
Okay - ich glaube zu sehen, wo das Problem lag: Das neue Modell frisst andere Parameter und ich habe es mit der gewohnten alten Form versucht... "Prima!" (Der kleine Nick) :-) Danke! --Speckmade 05:08, 24 July 2007 (EDT)
keine Ursache! Was denkst du zu der Änderung (echte Seitenzahlen gegenüber den Größenkategorien mit den eigentümlichen Namen) -- also ich konnte einfach nicht widerstehen. Gruß --Wolf | talk 05:17, 24 July 2007 (EDT)

Hi there Peu, thanks for blocking IP I had just left a note asking if John Stanton could have done the same. All the best. -- Carl McBride 10:36, 30 August 2007 (EDT)‎

I saw that (watched his talk page). Greetings! --Wolf | talk 10:39, 30 August 2007 (EDT)
OK fantastic; one less piece of sand in the works... Spud Gun/ Carl McBride 10:43, 30 August 2007 (EDT)

Re: DokuWiki-question

Hi, regarding your question about page counts: somebody on IRC confirmed there is no way to get a page count in a default DokuWiki installation, nor does he know of an existing plugin for that.

Perhaps a way to get this statistic would be social engineering: asking the wiki admins to tell us their page counts themselves. Alternatively, I could develop a plugin for that and we could advertise it on the website. How does that sound?

-- Felix Pleşoianu | talk 13:20, 29 September 2007 (EDT)

hm, I don't know ... of course we could ask the admins ... maybe we should guess the page count in the DokuWiki entries?
I think we should communicate a little bit more with the people of the indexed wiki: They could have a page that links to their own wikiindex entry, than they could actualize the entry themself and we get a good indication of having listed them already --Wolf | talk 17:35, 30 September 2007 (EDT)
It's social engineering then. How do we go about it? -- Felix Pleşoianu | talk 00:04, 3 October 2007 (EDT)
I think we should stop here to take the invite some other users in the discussion. I started a proposal please switch to there. --Wolf | talk 07:03, 3 October 2007 (EDT)


Hi Peu,

Chicago is not in the Eastern timezone, it's in the Central.

peace, TedErnst

Oh, sorry it's very dificult to me to decide whitch american town (region) is in which tim zone. Can you, please, give a link to the Wikipedia article, then I will correct this immediately. double peace, --Wolf | talk 11:22, 6 October 2007 (EDT)

Yes, I can see that it would be difficult. Because I live here, I could probably tell you my sight for each town, but here's the article about Central: TedErnst | talk 12:27, 7 October 2007 (EDT)



I have made the page: WikiBond, but i wrote": Wikibond, now i have renamed the page but you see it in the header and that is not really nice. Can some one remove it, then i can start over.. Or can some one contact me with the admins?

Thnx 006

redirect page removed --Wolf | talk 10:09, 9 October 2007 (EDT)

Many thanks Wolf!

Don't mention it - see you later! --Wolf | talk 10:20, 9 October 2007 (EDT)

Nice work

Wolf, nice work! Hope to be not so ghostly here. Best, MarkDilley

WikiHealth Stats Page

Hi Wolf, Thanks so much for your request to open up our WikiHealth Statistics to all visitors. We finally fixed this issue! Let me know if you have any other thoughts or comments. Warmly, --- TinyE

ein paar Fragen

Hallo Wolf!
Eine Frage an dich als Experten. Wie geht man eigentlich hier mit Wikis um, die gar nicht mehr existieren? Habe es zufällig bei Dreiundzwanzig gesehen, dass auf dem gleichen URL jetzt eine anmeldungspflichtige Seite steht, die so rein gar nichts mit der Mediawiki-Software zu tun hat. Gruß, Tiberius 03:44, 20 November 2007 (EST)

Wenn es keein Wiki (mehr) ist, dann kann es durch {{NotAWiki}} getaggt werden, in diesem Falle könnte es auch provatisiert sein, dann wird das "Wiki" des Wiki-Templates in "Private" geändert und man sieht nicht mehr viel. Klingt etwas kurz angebunden, falls du weitere Fragen hast, nur zu! Gruß --Wolf | talk 05:39, 20 November 2007 (EST)
habe mal beides eingetragen. Und dazu, dass es inaktiv ist. Der letzte angemeldete Benutzer ist von Anfang Juli und im öffentlichen Bereicht gibt es zwei Artikel. Dank dir für die Hilfe und Danke für die Einrichtung von KingWiki. Bin dadurch erst auf das hier aufmerksam geworden :) Gruß, --Tiberius 15:05, 20 November 2007 (EST)

Yes, based off of your brilliant problem solving solution!

Hi Wolf, forgive me for not attributing to you or letting you know, my apologies. Your solution took a few months to settle into my head as absolute genius. Also, I did a bunch of work here last weekend and it rattled around some more. Then as I was brainstorming with Drew a couple days ago, it seemed to work into the problem we were having there. What do you think? ~~ MarkDilley

Hey, you are absolutely right, it's a wiki. It was only a joke - I got the ideas from the user tagging system in wikipedia, where should I begin to thank. I'm pleased to be "cited" on AboutUs! --Wolf | talk 10:14, 15 December 2007 (EST)

not mine any more :-)

Hi Wolf, I have had the habit since 2002 of keeping lists of wiki, when I got busy elsewhere, I only dumped on a page here. sorry :-( I have a bookmark folder with at least 150 more... that I am holding off on adding here as a brain dump. Best, MarkDilley

text editor

Dear Peu, Thank you for motivating me to (at last!) create Category:text editor. Naturally, I think WikiIndex needs that "text editor" category -- because there are several wiki that have that as their main wiki Topic.

I'm a big fan of the "vim" editor. (I have it running in another window right now). However, I don't understand the point of Category:Vim editor. Does WikiIndex really need Category:Vim editor?

--DavidCary 12:59, 26 March 2008 (EDT)

In my opinion, the wiki should have Vim editor as main topic. Each main topic is made a category automatically. Categories are light-weight. What do think of this? regards --Wolf | talk 16:36, 26 March 2008 (EDT)


I am glad to see this! Albeit really, really late! ~~ MarkDilley

Hi Mark, is the number #84 ok? where do I have to put traces, what do I have to do as bus driver? Do I need a driver license? And... would you please help me with American legislative problems, if there will be any - sometimes. Greetings from Berlin --Wolf | talk 03:34, 18 April 2008 (EDT)

Sssssss... Get out of bed! {scares Peu out of bed} --Snuffleupagus 12:37, 5 August 2008 (EDT)


Hi Wolf. Thanks for the welcome! Greetings from Santa Cruz, California! I'll keep prowling for more spam. :-) --MarvelZuvembie 15:34, 6 October 2008 (EDT)

That's good! I'm sorry to work so little on this Wiki at the moment. :(

Rosetta Code

We've grown a bit. Could you update our page count on WikiIndex? I don't remember the metric WI uses, I just remember it's not the same as how we count our own pages. (For our count, any subcategory of Category:Solutions by Programming Language would be counted as a page, in addition to articles in the encyclopedia tree and the [) task] articles themselves.) Whatever happened to the talk of updating via a page on the remote site? -- Short Circuit 03:02 EST (GMT -0500)

Done. 322 "good pages", it's currently a consensus on WikiIndex, to count only "pages that are probably legitimate content pages" for MediaWiki-based wikis. Greetings from Berlin --Wolf | talk 15:45, 12 October 2008 (EDT)


Hey Wolf, made several people sysops - who I thought would be good. Wondering, can't you do that? Would that be helpful? Best, MarkDilley

I'm Snuffleupagus! [makes furnace noises through snuffle] f-f-f-f-f-f [in a normal voice] Get out of bed! [pokes Wolf with snuffle, Wolf jumps out of bed] --Snuffleupagus 12:07, 4 November 2008 (EST)
I'm wide awake, thanks snuffle! @Mark thanks, if I had Bureaucrat status I could manage user rights. Think it over. Best, --Wolf | talk 17:29, 4 November 2008 (EST)

Addition of a wikiFactor?

Dear Wolf,

I have just started the page Proposal:wikiFactor, and it would be wonderful if you would take a look. All the best -- Carl McBride (talk) 05:52, 4 March 2009 (EST)

Good Idea! --Wolf | talk 09:57, 4 March 2009 (EST)
PS. Thanks for the correcting my English. The proposal now says what I meant to say! All the best -- Carl McBride (talk) 10:12, 4 March 2009 (EST)
Hey, I found your paper! Unfortunately Wikipedia has stopped counting visitors. --Wolf | talk 10:20, 4 March 2009 (EST)
yea! I think I am starting to understand it :-) ~~ MarkDilley

Template:Size experimental

Dear Wolf, I have started an 'experimental' Size template Template:Size experimental that includes the wikiFactor, but I am not too good at template-markup. However, it looks like you do know what you are doing. Could you lend me a hand in getting the template to work correctly? All the best -- Carl McBride (talk) 12:31, 23 March 2009 (EDT)

I would include the new parameter directly into template:size, first without auto-categorizing. This can be added later. What is the highest wiki factor you've ever seen? I found mostly a value of one. Here is my highest wf-experience: We should discuss the categorizing scheme. I think: one cat for each individual factor would be ok? Regards --Wolf | talk 03:49, 24 March 2009 (EDT)
Or even better: size and the new parameter should be integrated into template:wiki. You see: We need a task force of MediaWiki version 1.10.x template programmers. Proposal:integrate new data into template:wiki ;-) --Wolf | talk 03:55, 24 March 2009 (EDT)
Re: biggest wikiFactor. The 'raw' data for wikipedia is not publicly available, but I suspect their wikiFactor is huge. The most popular wiki on wikia is WoWWiki, which has a wikiFactor of 187. With regards to "one cat for each individual factor", perhaps some pseudo-logarithmic grouping would be more appropriate. I.e 1,2,3,4,5,6,7... 10, 20 , 30,...100, 200.. etc -- Carl McBride (talk) 06:30, 24 March 2009 (EDT)
WoWWiki has currently a wF of 200. That's I worried about. We have to do that XYZ-between-A-and-B-thing again! :-) --Wolf | talk 06:48, 24 March 2009 (EDT)
That was fast; the 187 data was taken three weeks ago... -- Carl McBride (talk) 06:55, 24 March 2009 (EDT)

Fantastic work! Just one detail: could you replace wiki factor with wikiFactor (lower-case w, upper-case F, no space)? I don't want to mess up/break a template that is in general use! I shall work on the secton detailing how to calculate the wikiFactor for various wikis. -- Carl McBride (talk) 05:55, 25 March 2009 (EDT)

Changes to template: Thanks. I strongly suspected that it was just a case of changing the names in the template. But given that Template:Size is on all the pages in WikiIndex I didn't want to risk it myself! All the best -- Carl McBride (talk) 08:07, 25 March 2009 (EDT)
PS. Is it possible to change *all* of the instances of wiki factor to wikiFactor, including the Category page etc.?
All done (before your PS). BTW: Why is it important to have wikiFactor instead of wiki factor? My intention was to decode the wikiForm to the most expectable English form. Now we have both. --Wolf | talk 08:18, 25 March 2009 (EDT)
Why wikiFactor: these days it helps to have a 'unique' or specific name for use in web searches; the individual words wiki and factor are too general. -- Carl McBride (talk) 08:22, 25 March 2009 (EDT)
OK. It's certainly good to have a wikiWord for a wikiThing. :-) --Wolf | talk 08:37, 25 March 2009 (EDT)
That's the idea :-D Is it ok to change
{{#if: {{{wikiFactor|{{{wiki factor|}}}}}}|<br>[[:Category:Wiki Factor|Wiki Factor]]: {{{wikiFactor|{{{wiki factor}}}}}}{{#if: {{{wikiFactor URL|{{{wiki factor   URL|}}}}}}|<sup> [{{{wikiFactor URL|{{{wiki factor URL}}}}}} see further info...]</sup>|}}|}}

{{#if: {{{wikiFactor|{{{wikiFactor|}}}}}}|<br>[[:Category:wikiFactor|wikiFactor]]: {{{wikiFactor|{{{wikiFactor}}}}}}{{#if: {{{wikiFactor URL|{{{wikiFactor   URL|}}}}}}|<sup> [{{{wikiFactor URL|{{{wikiFactor URL}}}}}} see further info...]</sup>|}}|}}
without breaking anything? -- Carl McBride (talk) 09:08, 25 March 2009 (EDT)
There is no need to do so. The following {{{first|{{{second|literal}}}}}} means: use parameter named first if empty use parameter named second, and last fall back to the literal information. If you dislike the alternate forms with wiki factor, I can delete this. --Wolf | talk 09:19, 25 March 2009 (EDT)
This is where my command of the MediaWiki syntax falls down! The main thing I think to aim for is that the table/shaded box on a page says wikiFactor rather than wiki factor, so that the interested user can either look it up with a web search, or better still, by clicking on the word wikiFactor be refered to the page Template:Size#How to calculate the wikiFactor of a site, and that clicking on the numerical value goes to Category:wikiFactor (range) like with the pages counter. -- Carl McBride (talk) 09:27, 25 March 2009 (EDT)
The auto-categorization by wF value is a bit more complicated. I'll bring it to work in the evening. What ranges do you suggest? --Wolf | talk 10:44, 25 March 2009 (EDT)

(Let's shift to the left of the page :-) I don't know. I have started filling out some of the wikiFactors for some science wikis. Maybe we should dump them all onto the same page for the moment until we have a feel for the distribution of wF in the 'wild'?

Good idea. Can I have a look (a link) --Wolf | talk 10:58, 25 March 2009 (EDT)
Not quite sure what you mean. I have been either adding the size template to a page, or modifying existing size templates. So far a page to dump the wF on does not yet exist. -- Carl McBride (talk) 11:09, 25 March 2009 (EDT)
I just discovered it. You mean here at wikiindex. Yes lets have a few samples. Any bets so far? --Wolf | talk 11:13, 25 March 2009 (EDT)
ps: here is a link :-) --Wolf | talk 11:15, 25 March 2009 (EDT)

I think, we're done so far. Now we should wait for the Jobs in Job Queue being done. --Wolf | talk 17:29, 25 March 2009 (EDT)

RE: Thank you

You're welcome. --Michaeldsuarez 22:17, 25 March 2009 (EDT)


Those have been there since the beginning! Finally getting around to cleaning them up! :-) Feeling good putting in more time here. Best, MarkDilley

Absolutely: each time I return to wikiindex, I find it more homelike. :-) --Wolf | talk 04:39, 27 March 2009 (EDT)

Oh dear

There’s trouble again. I risked having my real name revealed here as well because I doubt if I'm the only person who the trolls at RationalWiki and RationalWikiWiki picked on and I think the warning should stay in the Rationalwiki article. Proxima Centauri 13:36, 28 June 2009 (EDT)

Get over yourself PC, you're no martyr. You could've dropped the issue, but instead you had to get your revenge on the mean bullies at RW. You risked having your real name revealed here for a stupid potshot at RW.
If you put your mail address into your wiki settings (not in public!) I would prefer to contact you by mail. I cannot get a clear view on this - maybe my English is too poor. Regards --Wolf | talk 13:54, 28 June 2009 (EDT)

I'll try and sort that tomorrow as it's evening here now, meanwhile I felt I had to protect the RationalWikiWiki article as well to prevent them putting abusive material there. Here's what they wrote. Proxima Centauri 15:28, 28 June 2009 (EDT)

Would you like to provide some evidence for you accusations of RW sysops abusing their sysop powers (I've provided difflinks for your abuse of privileges here)?
I'd prefer the "cyberbulleying" sections to be removed. WikiIndex has no "CyberJudge" role. We should try to describe each wiki in a positive way giving people the chance to make their own experiences. Best regards --Wolf | talk 15:53, 28 June 2009 (EDT)
That would be the most sensible thing to do. (I was asking PC by the way, I assume that's why you put "?" in the edit summary)
I don't know whether to :-) or to :-( nor to :-/ ?? --Wolf | talk 16:08, 28 June 2009 (EDT)

→ please continue talking there --Wolf | talk 03:34, 29 June 2009 (EDT)


Ich glaube ich darf du zu schreibe, denn man bentuzet du aud dem deucschen Wikipedia. Bitte schreib was du willst auf Deutsch und ich wede versuchen zu überstezen. Proxima Centauri 03:37, 30 June 2009 (EDT)

Das wäre sehr nett. Du ist OK. Was hältst du vom WikiProject:PrivacyLevels? Zum Thema Privacy: Das ist ein Fass ohne Boden im Web. Dazu gibts sogar eigene Wikis ( - stimmt nicht ganz: dort geht es um Privatsphäre im Internet und Bürgerrechte und die Politische Entwicklung in Deutschland). Grüße --Wolf | talk 03:49, 30 June 2009 (EDT)

Ich kann es nicht verstehen. Proxima Centauri 03:57, 30 June 2009 (EDT)

What do you mean? The wiki I linked to or my statement(s)? I think it would be better to keep English here. If you want to talk in German, you are welcome by mail. (Enable the mail feature in your Preferences, say ping here, and I'll write first, for privacy reasons). I like to write in German, but I don't like to communicate "encoded" for the non-german speakers. Best --Wolf | talk 04:03, 30 June 2009 (EDT)

I can't understand the link but I slept badly last night and I'll try again later. Proxima Centauri 04:48, 30 June 2009 (EDT)

Recent changes

Can you see to recent changes please, You don't seem to have confidence in me. Proxima Centauri 15:42, 30 June 2009 (EDT)

I visited some of the edits you've made WikiIndex. I know that you're active at least since 30 June 2008 I fully respect the decision of MarkDilley to give you sysop rights[2]. I know no single where rights would be revoked from users on WikiIndex[3] and I need no such experience. I love WikiIndex as a very peaceful wiki place, much more than e.g. Wikipedia. The world(/web(/wiki)) is big enough to avoid edit wars on particular articles. Please, make a pause and enjoy the bright side of WikiIndex. Honestly: there is no war worth to loose your contenance. :-) Peace --Wolf | talk 17:04, 30 June 2009 (EDT)

I'm clearing out the junk form my mailbox and when I've finished I'll send you an email, sorry it took so long. Proxima Centauri 14:44, 5 July 2009 (EDT)

Online Petition

Hallo Wolf ! Da hat Sir Winfried doch ganze Arbeit mit seinem Englisch-Unterricht geleistet. Habe Deinen Namen bei den Unterzeichnern der Petition gefunden (ich auch Nr.12337). Habe Dich danach "gegoogelt". Es grüßt Dich ein alter Klassenkamerad von der TMS in Halle.

Gib mal 'n Link. Mit dem Namen kann ich jetzt nicht viel anfangen. weils so lange her ist... --Wolf | talk 13:29, 22 July 2009 (EDT)

Hm, sollte ja wohl noch gehen nach 24 Jahren. Sir Winfried war unser Englischlehrer Winfried Poppe und meinen Namen findest Du unter Online Petition - Gewässerprivatisierung Nr.12337. ([email protected])

Na der Name sagt mir natürlich schon was. Du musst bedenken: Online-Petitionen gibt es wie Sand am mehr (gottseidank) und der Name den ich unter (meiner Meinung nach) der Online-Petition gefunden habe, sagte mir nun absolut nix. Insofern demnächst: zumindest den Titel der Petition dranschreiben oder Nummer(4525)! oder gleich Link;sa=details;petition=4525 ;-). Und sonst so? Auch in Wikis unterwegs? Grüße --Wolf | talk 04:30, 23 July 2009 (EDT)

Ja, egal, ist ja eben schon 24 Jahre her, und ich habe eben ein gutes Namensgedächtnis. Du bist aber schon der Wolf Peuker aus der Klasse von Fr. Standfuß / TMS HAlle ?? Vielleicht sieht man sich ja mal irgendwann auf einem Klassentreffen in 25 Jahren oder so. Grüße von U.Deparade

Ja ich denke schon, und nun suche mal hier die Nummer 12337 ;-) Grüße zurück, sollten dir Klassentreffen zu Ohren kommen, weißt du ja nun, wo du ein "klingeln" musst; und was mach ich, sollte ich früher was erfahren? --Wolf | talk 12:12, 23 July 2009 (EDT)

Hm, komisch, muß mir irgendein Dreher in der Zahlenfolge passiert sein. ---> [email protected]

User:Jonah Musto

Dear Wolf, I seem to be having problems with the user Jonah Musto . Repeated vandalism of the Main Page, as well as insertion of warning templates on my talk page. All the best -- Carl McBride (talk) 10:50, 19 August 2009 (EDT) (PS I have also copied this message on the talk page of Proxima Centauri ).

I also suggest the deletion of the image Image:2008Jul-ceiling-fan.jpg as it appears to be copyrighted material (taken from the page -- Carl McBride (talk) 11:12, 19 August 2009 (EDT)

I've dealt with Jonah Musto and the copyright image, I wish I'd blocked him for longer the first time he got blocked. Proxima Centauri 14:59, 19 August 2009 (EDT)

I've blocked another likely sockpuppet of JM and deleted more copyright images of ceiling fans. We need to patrol this wiki often at the moment but too much discussion feeds trolls. Proxima Centauri 15:03, 20 August 2009 (EDT)

I'm tired of dealing with trolls and vandals while the other administrators give every difficult user like Jonah Musto the benefit of the doubt far too long. I suspect that it's going round the chat rooms that Wikiindex is a place where they feed trolls and you can get away with things a long time. Proxima Centauri 16:02, 23 August 2009 (EDT)

Proxima, you're paranoid. I wasn't trolling, I was improving your articles. 16:03, 23 August 2009 (EDT)
Proxima? Paranoid? Old news. It's hilarious how she's started trying her best to alienate Wikiindex because they disagree with her on her obsession that the whole world is out to get her, as she did on RW. Phantom Hoover 16:05, 23 August 2009 (EDT)

Dispute Resolution

Hey Wolf, wanted to see if you were interested in dispute resolution, my suggestion is here ~~ MarkDilley

I tried to respond :-) --Wolf | talk 04:07, 26 August 2009 (EDT)

Assuming good faith

I have experience mainly acting as an administrator on controversial wikis where it's not usual to assume good faith and you probably have more experience than I do about assuming good faith. Please bear in mind that as Wikiindex grows the wiki will become better known and will attract more spammers, vandals and trolls. Proxima Centauri 07:39, 28 August 2009 (EDT)

This user followed me to Novelas and showed that mediation isn’t the way forward. Attempted mediation just feeds trolls. Proxima Centauri 12:36, 30 August 2009 (EDT)

There's no need to say it in three places. Phantom Hoover 12:39, 30 August 2009 (EDT)

About that "dispute resolution"...

Hi. Will you vote to unprotect these articles? MarkDilley requires that 3 sysops agree to unprotect these articles. (Notice the statement at the top of these pages):





You have violated 3-revert rule. The next time you revert, you will be blocked.

Sounds great ;-) - you didn't add substancial content to this wiki, what's your problem? --Wolf | talk 09:40, 7 November 2009 (EST)