Page history
8 April 2006
→wiki lists, culled from previously
→WikiFarm Lists
→WikiFarm Lists
→Wiki Lists
→wiki lists, culled from previously
→Wiki Lists
→complete switch wiki transfer
→Directories of wikis
→complete switch wiki transfer
→Mark Handling
→wiki lists, culled from previously
→tags plus
→Directories for special subjects
→Directories sorted by WikiEngines
→Directories sorted by languages
→Directories (general/misc)
→Wiki Lists
→completed: putting dates on these lists
→WikiFarm Lists
no edit summary
→SwitchWiki and other lists
→SwitchWiki and other lists: added wikipedia list
26 March 2006
23 March 2006
22 March 2006
→Directories of wikis: changing section level to ==
new section for completed
→List of wikis to add
→List of wikis to add
17 March 2006
13 March 2006
11 March 2006
→SwitchWiki and other lists
→SwitchWiki and other lists
→SwitchWiki and other lists
→SwitchWiki and other lists
suggested substantial re-write of instructions
10 March 2006
9 March 2006
8 March 2006
no edit summary
→WikiFarm Lists: all the different wikipedias and wiktionaries and the like
→WikiFarm Lists: UseMod list
6 March 2006
→WikiFarm Lists: SeedWiki
→WikiFarm Lists
→SwitchWiki: V done
switch wiki
→WikiFarm Lists
groups done, left with wiki farms, tags plus, wiki-node and Francophones