Either cull from this list, and Add a Wiki template to them, or use the backlinks from this page to find wiki in which only the name page was created, but still needs to have a template added, logo uploaded and description scraped.
As you Add a Wiki to the index, please remove them from this list and make a note at the end of the list when you complete a group. Thanks!
Au fur et à mesure que vous ajoutez un Wiki, merci de l'enlever de cette liste et de faire une note à la fin de la liste quand vous avez complété un groupe. Merci
Finished groups:
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 - (of 30)
Group 28 WikiFarm Lists
- Wikicities has nearly 700 wikis to work from if we get bored.
- http://www.wikicities.com/wiki/List_of_Wikicities
- XWiki has nearly 5500 wikis to work on:
- MetaWiki is a french wikifarm which could be explored
- LongSkateWiki is a small wiki dedicated to french "long skaters"
- ViaBloga -- French WikiBlogFarm powered by Stephane Gigandet
- could we try to index all the people driving a collaborative or personal wikiblog ? Christophe Ducamp | talk 16:28, 11 Feb 2006 (EST)
- I think that having a category for WikiWeblogs is great! MarkDilley | talk
- could we try to index all the people driving a collaborative or personal wikiblog ? Christophe Ducamp | talk 16:28, 11 Feb 2006 (EST)
- WikiSpaces - nearly 2000 'wikispaces' in their directory
Groupe 29 : Liste de Wiki Francophones (à compléter)
- Opqast -- les bonnes pratiques qualité web (http://www.opquast.org/atelier/index.php/Accueil)
- ParisCarnet -- le wiki d'organisation du meet-up mensuel des blogueurs parisiens
- RadioCapitale -- Olivier Zablocki décrira son unité d'innovations nomades en réseaux !
- LoicWiki -- le wiki personnel de Loïc Le Meur
- Socialtext French Customer Exchange -- support échange clients SocialText
- Staff Crao -- le wiki privé du groupe projet du CRAO
- Millard Brown Wikis -- les wikis du groupe Millard Brown
- TrocMatic -- vide grenier numérique de Belleville
- AutransWiki -- le wiki des rencontres d'Autrans
- Ateliers du Soleil -- la révolution du sourire
- NetvibesWiki -- le wiki de la localisation internationale du NetVibes
- Wiki Institut Saint Joseph -- Espace collaboratif de construction d'apprentissages
- Vincenwooki -- Vincenwooki, le wiki de vincenwoo
- ... à compléter
Group 30 : tags + temporary, continued laziness
- http://del.icio.us/tag/wiki+ruby
- http://del.icio.us/tag/wiki
- http://www.bibsonomy.org/tag/wiki
- http://digg.com/search?search=wiki&submit=Submit
- http://www.worldwidewiki.net/wiki/SwitchWiki - move newly added wiki to WikiIndex, then tag the top of the page with what Tristram did with a couple pages already.
- http://www.furl.net/search.jsp?enc=UTF-8&chn=front&keyword=wiki&src=4&x=0&y=0
- http://freshmeat.net/browse/1098/ possible wiki links there