UTC offset |
DST | longitudinal meridian † |
standard time locations which also use daylight saving time (DST) |
standard time locations year-round – no daylight saving time (DST) |
time zone official name(s) |
UTC +14 | 150° west | ||||
UTC +13 | 165° west | ||||
UTC +12 | DST +13 | 180° e/w | Pago Pago and New Zealand | ||
UTC +11 | DST +12 | 165° east | Magadan, Solomon Islands, and New Caledonia | ||
UTC +10 | DST +11 | 150° east | Vladivostok, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania | Guam, Queensland | |
UTC +9.5 | DST +10.5 | 142.5° east | South Australia | Northern Territory | |
UTC +9 | 135° east | South Korea, Japan | |||
UTC +8 | 120° east | People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Ulaan Bataar, Singapore, Philippines, Western Australia | |||
UTC +7 | 105° east | Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta | |||
UTC +6.5 | 97.5° east | Myanmar | |||
UTC +6 | 90° east | Sri Lanka, etc | |||
UTC +5.75 | 86.25° east | Nepal | |||
UTC +5.5 | 82.5° east | India | |||
UTC +5 | 75° east | Pakistan | |||
UTC +4.5 | 67.5° east | Iraq | |||
UTC +4 | 60° east | Baku, Abu Dhabi | |||
UTC +3.5 | — | 52.5° east | Iran | Iran Standard Time (IRST) | |
UTC +3 | DST +4 | 45° east | Belarus, Moscow, Turkey, Ukraine, Kuwait, Baghdad, Tehran | Kenya | |
UTC +2 | DST +3 | 30° east | Finland, Bucharest, Kiev, Cairo, and Jerusalem | South Africa | |
UTC +1 | DST +2 | 15° east | Europe (mo) | West Central Africa | Central European Time (CET/CEST) |
UTC ±0 | DST +1 | 0° | United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Portugal, Morocco | Iceland, and Monrovia | Greenwich Mean Time (GMT/BST) |
UTC −1 | DST ±0 | 15° west | Greenland (po), Azores, and Cape Verde Islands | ||
UTC −2 | DST −1 | 30° west | mid-Atlantic, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands | ||
UTC −2.5 | — | 37.5° west | — | Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland Time Zone |
UTC −3 | DST −2 | 45° west | Greenland (mo), Saint Pierre & Miquelon | Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Falkland Islands | |
UTC −3.5 | DST −2.5 | 52.5° west | Newfoundland and Labrador | — | Newfoundland Time Zone |
UTC −4 | DST −3 | 60° west | Canada's Maritime Provinces, Labrador (mo), Greenland (po), Bermuda, Paraguay | Eastern Caribbean (mo) | Atlantic Time |
UTC −5 | DST −4 | 75° west | Ontario, Quebec, most US eastern seaboard (Atlantic) states, inc New York, Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, Turks & Caicos Islands | Jamaica & Cayman Islands, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Brazil | Eastern Standard Time (EST/EDT) |
UTC −6 | DST −5 | 90° west | Manitoba, Nunavut, Ontario, most US mid-east states, inc. Chicago, Mexico (mo), Central America | Saskatchewan, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Galápagos | Central Standard Time (CST/CDT), Central America Time Zone |
UTC −7 | DST −6 | 105° west | Alberta, British Columbia (po), Northwest Territories, Nunavut (po), Saskatchewan (po), most US mid-west states, inc. Colorado, Mexico (po) | British Columbia (po), Yukon Territory, Arizona (no DST except for Navajo Nation) | Mountain Standard Time (MST/MDT) |
UTC −8 | DST −7 | 120° west | British Columbia (mo), all US western seaboard (Pacific) states, inc. California, Idaho, Washington, Oregon (mo), Nevada, Mexico (Baja) | Clipperton Island, Pitcairn Islands | Pacific Standard Time (PST/PDT) |
UTC −9 | DST −8 | 135° west | Alaska (except for western Aleutian Islands) | French Polynesia (Gambier Islands) | Alaska Standard Time (AST/ADT) |
UTC −9.5 | — | 142.5° west | — | French Polynesia (Marquesas Islands) | |
UTC −10 | DST −9 | 150° west | Alaska (western Aleutian Islands) | Society Islands, Tuamotus, Gambier Islands, Austral Islands, Hawaii, Cook Islands | Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HAST/HADT) |
UTC −11 | — | 165° west | — | American Samoa, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Niue | Samoa Time Zone |
UTC −12 | — | 180° e/w | — | United States Minor Outlying Islands (Baker Island & Howland Island) | International Date Line West (IDLW) |
UTC offset |
DST | longitudinal meridian † |
standard time locations which also use daylight saving time (DST) |
standard time locations year-round – no daylight saving time (DST) |
time zone official name(s) |
- Key to symbols and abbreviations
- † — number of degrees east or west of the internationally recognised prime meridian, itself derrived from the earlier Greenwich prime meridian from London, England
- po — part of, meaning it includes a small (at least less than half) section of said location
- mo — most of, meaning it includes a large major (significantly more than half) section of said location