Homestar Runner Fanstuff Wiki

Revision as of 21:43, 13 September 2010 by Elassint (talk | contribs) (I was not a member of this community, this rewirte is only based on what I observed.)
[{{{URL}}} {{{logo}}}] [{{{URL}}} Homestar Runner Fanstuff Wiki]
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The Homestar Runner Fanstuff Wiki was a repository of original stories, art, and other paraphernalia based on the Homestar Runner Flash cartoons.

It was locked in August 2008 to be restarted a short time later in order to clear out lower quality content that had piled up over the years. This act is called the purge by wiki users. The purge took considerably longer then expected and it did not come back up until January 2010.

After the end of the purge, the wiki only lasted five months before a very ugly community collapse took place in May 2010, which is documented here. This disaster of bad feelings and angry rants led to the closing of the wiki on June 1st, 2010, this time for good.

The site is now an archive, but is still online.

Wiki size: unknown size

See also