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Wikitravel (en)

39 bytes added, 04:48, 23 October 2013
{{Wiki |name = English Wikitravel wiki_logo |URL = [[Imagehttp:WikiTravel//wikitravel.png]]org/en/| wiki_URL logo =| wiki_recentchanges_URL recentchanges URL=| wiki_wikinode_URL wikinode URL = No|about URL =| wiki_status status = Vibrant| wiki_language language = MultilingualEnglish| wiki_editmode editmode = OpenEdit| wiki_engine engine = MediaWiki| wiki_maintopic license = Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike|maintopic = Travel}}|backupurl = wiki travel guide|backupdate = 2011/07 <! --20YY-MM-DD the date of the above URL-->}}{{WikiTourBus|5|6|108|url=}}'''English''' is creating a free, complete, up.{{Size <!-to-date, and reliable worldsee Template:Size for full detail-wide travel guide. So far they have several thousand destination guides and other articles written and edited by [->|pages= 26809<!--type the plain number of pages - NO thousands separators-->|statistics URL = Wikitravellers] from around the globe Statistics|wikiFactor= <!--preferred, if unknown leave void, see: Category:wikiFactor-->|wikiFactor URL= <!--wF source (some of whom just sit at home describing whatoften 'PopularPages', 'Mostvisitedpages', 'PageHits's good about their surroundings).- if unknown leave void-->}}(As of: 2013-10-23)<!--manually add/amend date when stats are verified and/or updated-->
One of the more interesting {{wikitravel}}[http[Category:// project goalsFoundedIn2003]] is to create destination guides which are useful as print<!-outs, i.e. not always linking to sub-pages, but distilling the most useful information about each travel destination. For a good example see the "destination of the month" on the [ main page] [[CategorySpecial:Cities]][[Category:Places]]Ancientpages-->