Hi. My wiki site is the S23-Wiki.
I am working on Wiki Statistics for Wikimedia Foundation projects.
You can see my current lists in different formats (html, wikisyntax, csv) here:
Currently I am going through Category:MediaWiki to add other non-Wikimedia MediaWikis for this new list.
You can help me out by using this form to add more wikis from Category:MediaWiki. There is also an alphabetic list of the wikis that are already added.
Only MediaWikis can be added which provide raw, text-only stats on a page like Special:Statistics?action=raw or title=Special:Statstics&action=raw. Example: [1]
This is the case for MediaWikis up from a certain version (i think from 1.5) on. MediaWikis that cannot be added because they dont know "action=raw" yet are definately old versions that should badly be updated for unrelated security reasons anyways.
You can add requests for changes / updates to S23-Wiki on the page Wikistats/ToDo
50 newest pages added to Category:MediaWikiEdit
<DPL> category=MediaWiki ordermethod=categoryadd count=50 </DPL>