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My house burned don
== Hello ==
Requerimos saber ¿como hacer para que mi  wiki : pueda tener  implementada la caja de creación de artículos? debido a que hemos tratado de crearle  una  propia, inclusive copiandola de  otros wiki-sitios  y no lo hemos conseguido.
We need to know: as doing so that my wiki: could have implemented the box of creation of articles? because we have tried to create the proper one to him, inclusive copying it of other wiki-places and have not obtained it.
--[[User:Wicodatos Colombia|Wicodatos Colombia]] 17:55, 21 June 2006 (EDT)
: My translation: [[Wicodatos]] would like the add box for their wiki, but they don't know how to do it. :-) [[TedErnst]] | <small>[[User talk:TedErnst|talk]]</small> 01:33, 22 June 2006 (EDT)
This is a MediaWiki extension, see [[Input Box Extension]] [[User:John Stanton|John]] 14:05, 4 July 2006 (EDT)
== WSR3 ==
hi John, WSR3 is becoming active. see -- Max
== future wiki-nodes ==
Hello John,  I am toying with the mark-up for wikinodes that are not there and TedErnst asked me a good question.  Can we currently sort on a no for URL_wikinode?  Meaning if we do what I am thinking about (e.g. [[The_league_of_scarybirds]] with the - WikiNode) does that damage being able to find those? Best, [[MarkDilley]] | <small>[[User talk:MarkDilley|talk]]</small>
== More potential ==
This wiki is great, but I honestly believe if it turned into a wiki of '''websites''', instead of just wikis, it could be all that better. You already would have a good start on other wikis attempting this, as you already have users and info about lots of wikis. --[| Elliot Goodrich (not a member here)]16:37, 19 June 2006 (EDT)
::Funny you should mention that because within a week or so our sister wiki, [] will launch with that exact concept pre loaded with 2 million+ web sites. Keep checking it. [[User:John Stanton|John]] 16:48, 19 June 2006 (EDT)
== Sitemap ==
Hi John, please see this conversation: [[WikiIndex:Community_talk#Sitemap]]. Best [[MarkDilley]]
== [[MediaWiki talk:MyNavMenu]] ==
Mind taking a minute to look in there? &mdash;&nbsp;<span style="font-family: Kristen ITC, Times New Roman;">[[User:Sean Fennel]][[User talk:Sean Fennel|@]]</span> 16:51, 29 September 2006 (EDT)
== upgrading MediaWiki ==
Why do we work with [[Special:Version|MediaWiki 1.6.5]] what is the upgrade policy? --[[User:Peu|Peu]] 03:09, 20 October 2006 (EDT)
: The MediaWiki quarterly update policy is a bit too frequent so we try to update every 6 months or so. The 1.8.x version was just released at the beginning of October and we wait till most of the bugs in a release are fixed (probably about 1.8.5, they are on 1.8.2 already) before we start to plan an upgrade. We should be on 1.8.5 before the first of next year.  [[User:John Stanton|John]] 11:36, 20 October 2006 (EDT)
:: I see. In our company, we update closer to mediawiki and live quite good with it (of course it's a closed wiki). What about [ updating to 1.6.8]? --[[User:Peu|Peu]] 13:09, 20 October 2006 (EDT)
: We try to stay with what works unless we have a problem. Every new release brings some incompatabilities that we have to work thru and generates a lot of work. If we had only one wiki and no other interests it might be possible but there are over 40 wikis that we manage on this one server and it is quite impossible to update all of them 8 times a quarter. Just as an example, this next upgrade will require changing everything to PHP5 and will break our current "pretty url" scheme, we know how to change to PHP5 but have not yet figured out what broke the "pretty url" scheme and we cannot upgrade until we solve that problem. [[User:John Stanton|John]] 13:34, 20 October 2006 (EDT)
:: Oh, I did not know about it. --[[User:Peu|Peu]] 15:47, 20 October 2006 (EDT)
== error message I've never seen before ==
John, while patrolling recent changes, I came across [ this], which displays this error:
The database did not find the text of a page that it should have
found, named "Category:Asia (Diff: 32701, 32801)".
This is usually caused by following an outdated diff or history
link to a page that has been deleted.
If this is not the case, you may have found a bug in the software.
Please report this to an administrator, making note of the URL.
Strange, no? [[TedErnst]] | <small>[[User talk:TedErnst|talk]]</small> 14:49, 20 October 2006 (EDT)
: Very strange! I'll check further... [[User:John Stanton|John]] 15:28, 20 October 2006 (EDT)
[ I got another one with the same error as above]. [[TedErnst]] | <small>[[User talk:TedErnst|talk]]</small> 03:45, 27 February 2007 (PST)
[ Here's another new one] from Recent Changes:
The requested page title was invalid, empty, or an incorrectly
linked inter-language or inter-wiki title. It may contain one more
characters which cannot be used in titles.
I think I understand what is going on.
I get the ''"did not find the text of a page that it should have"'' message a lot on another MediaWiki wiki I edit.
This happens when:
* (1) I obsessively check "Recent changes". I either leave that page open for hours, or I click on some "diff" or "history" link and leave *that* page open for hours.
* (2) Meanwhile, some sysop (often myself) discovers that a spammer has created a new page (not merely added spam to a pre-existing page), so that sysop deletes the page and all its history (not merely edit the page and blank all the spam). Then
* (3) I eventually return to that "Recent changes" page I had left open, and I click on the "history" or "diff" link for the deleted page. Or, I eventually return to the "diff" or "history" page that has long been deleted, and I hit "refresh" or click the "history" tab at the top.
Since that page has been deleted, there is no "diff" or "history" to show, so MediaWiki throws up that (perhaps poorly-worded) message.
Does that explain what you are seeing, or do you suspect a more serious problem?
--[[User:DavidCary|DavidCary]] 10:04, 28 November 2007 (EST)
== spam blacklist ==
please see [[Talk:My spam blacklist]].  thanks! [[TedErnst]] | <small>[[User talk:TedErnst|talk]]</small> 09:29, 21 October 2006 (EDT)
== thumbnail problem ==
this picture [[:Image:Ruangchotvit_ChinarutPicture.jpg]] [[Image:Ruangchotvit_ChinarutPicture.jpg|48px]] is black when shown in any category, it seems it cannot be scaled? --[[User:Peu|Peu]] 08:10, 22 October 2006 (EDT)
: Something wrong with the picture, I downloaded the original and converted it to a .png format [[:Image:Ruangchotvit ChinarutPicture.png]] and uploaded it and it works better but still not right [[Image:Ruangchotvit ChinarutPicture.png|100px]] [[User:John Stanton|John]] 12:46, 22 October 2006 (EDT)
== .org / .com ==
Hello John!
What are your thoughts on the possibility to make all of WikiIndex's links .org?
* spurred by [ Evan]
See you soon I hope, [[MarkDilley]]
: Looks complicated, I'm having enough trouble just trying to figure out the rewrite rules for upgrading to 1.8 :-) When do you arrive???  [[User:John Stanton|John]] 12:41, 27 October 2006 (EDT)
== ParserFunctions extension ==
Hi John, would you please have a look on the template wiki talk []? [[User:Dantman|Dantman]] suggested to use this extension for WikiIndex; he has good experiences with it on [[Gaiapedia]], and we have problems with our if-template and the resulting text layout, that could not be worked around. Could we have these extensions too (in the next future)? ''(see also [ my posting and his answer on gaiapedia])'' --[[Wolf Peuker|Peu]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 10:13, 29 October 2006 (EST)
: See the discussion under [[Template_talk:Wiki#Why_not_one_of_the_extensions.3F|Template Talk]]. [[User:John Stanton|John]] 12:15, 29 October 2006 (EST)
== Interwiki editing ==
That'd be great! Thanks! <span title="Swedish n-dash FTW!">&ndash;</span> [[User:Smiddle|Smiddle]] / <small>[[User talk:Smiddle|T]]&middot;[[Special:Contributions/Smiddle|C]]&middot;[[Special:Emailuser/Smiddle|@]]</small> 17:44, 29 October 2006 (EST)
: Ok, you can edit now.
::Yeah, but what's those "local" and "trans" stuff? <span title="Swedish n-dash FTW!">&ndash;</span> [[User:Smiddle|Smiddle]] / <small>[[User talk:Smiddle|T]]&middot;[[Special:Contributions/Smiddle|C]]&middot;[[Special:Emailuser/Smiddle|@]]</small> 18:02, 29 October 2006 (EST)
: They allow you to do local and remote site transclusion, check both for maximum capability :-) You can actually suck in pages from a remote wiki into your page. See some of the examples I put on the [[InterWiki]] page.  [[User:John Stanton|John]] 18:10, 29 October 2006 (EST)
Can I add links to all wikis? I just clicked a random wiki, I'll piece the description: "WikiFur is a wiki about furry community" etc. we could add interlinks to all (most) wikis and for example link "furry" and everything in the article.
== Extensions to Install ==
Since Peu wanted to allow the logos of wikis to link to the sites I thought I'd do that because I already know the only ways images can be made into links on media wiki.
Firstly, I don't know if it will work in the template but [ this extension] may let people create linked images at will if you want it.
But this is the best way I can think of to make it work. I basically created a simple extension that is similar to the Fullurl and Localurl functions already built into MediaWiki. They are Fullimage and Localimage, they basicly instead of doing links to articles they make external links to local images so that they can be embeded in a method that allows for linking.
Here's the code (Just place it in extensions/FullLocalImage.php and include it int LocalSettings.php)
* @Extension Full/Local Image
* @Author Daniel Friesen( Aka: Dantman )
* @Description Creates 2 parserfunctions. Localimage and Fullimage, they work similar
*      to the Localurl and Fullurl functions except they return the path to a image not a article.
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfFLImage';
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
'name' => 'Full/Local Image',
'author' => 'Daniel Friesen( Aka: Dantman )'
function wfFLImage() {
global $wgParser;
$wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'Localimage', array( wgFLImageFuncts, 'Localimage' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
$wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'Fullimage', array( wgFLImageFuncts, 'Fullimage' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
class wgFLImageFuncts {
function Localimage ( &$parser, $name = '', $arg = null ) {
return wfImageDir( $name ) . '/' . ucfirst( $name );
function Fullimage ( &$parser, $name = '', $arg = null ) {
global $wgServer;
return $wgServer . wfImageDir( $name ) . '/' . ucfirst( $name );
It would be much apreciated, If you can get that I can get some stuff working in [[Template:Wiki/3]] that couldn't before. [[User:Dantman|Dantman]] 19:50, 29 October 2006 (EST)
: This file seems to be missing the ending PHP tag and may be missing more than that, can you complete the listing??? Many thanks. [[User:John Stanton|John]] 20:19, 29 October 2006 (EST)
:: Sorry about that, I must have slipped when I copied it from my local installation. But that's all the code there is, the code works fine. I just don't have uploads on my testing because it's a local installation on my XP Home computer meaning I can't work permissions. But I did some alternative testing to it. My guess from looking at other wikis and the MediaWiki code is that MediaWiki capitalizes the first letter of every file it uploads automaticly. So I have the ucfirst function there. From everything I've tested this should work fine. The worst that could happen is that I miscalculated something on how the system works, and some of the Places where <nowiki>{{fullimage:Something.png}}</nowiki> is used create incorrect urls that I'll half to find a way to fix. But for all purposes it should work now. wfImageDir is a system function that I used to grab the directory, so that should compensate for any mistake other than how files are capitalized. I added the end tag just for reassurance. [[User:Dantman|Dantman]] 04:07, 30 October 2006 (EST)
: I loaded the extension using <pre>include($IP."/extensions/FullLocalImage.php");</pre> per your instructions (other options would be "Require" or "Require_Once") and it did not cause the wiki to fail :-) so I assume it is functional. Please check it out and let me know if it is functional. I would appreciate it if you would start a page called "[[FullLocalImage Extension]]" and document the uses, syntax and source code for the extension. Many thanks! [[User:John Stanton|John]] 11:41, 31 October 2006 (EST)
::I looked. Unofortunatly it trys to work. But it's using a filepath instead of a urlpath (A server may use /home/~user/www/public_html/ as the filepath of it's server, and the local urlpath to that would just be /) So the links aren't working right. I'll try to find out what I can do to fix that. I added the full information on [ meta], and just created that page you wanted with information leading to there. I put a slightly different version on meta, the only difference is I added the 'url' element to the information array so when you go to [[Special:Version]] if you change to the one on meta right now, it still won't work, but the url there will lead back to that page for information. [[User:Dantman|Dantman]] 20:06, 31 October 2006 (EST)
:::Ok, I updated the code at [ meta]. There are no errors so it still won't break the site. The URL element is in so that people can reach the documentation either by the article you requested or by using the link given on [[Special:Version]]. This Time I think I found the correct methods for it from the documentation. It uses predefined methods so it should work. [[User:Dantman|Dantman]] 20:37, 31 October 2006 (EST)
::::Yup double checked. 1.6.8's code has those same methods. So if something does go wrong the only glitch that could come out should be it for some reason giving the fullurl making localurl give a fullurl, and fullurl give a fullurl with the {{SERVER}} before it. [[User:Dantman|Dantman]] 20:40, 31 October 2006 (EST)
== Wiki analytics ==
my name is Lars Sobanski, i´m writing my Diploma Thesis about wikis. So, i do a analythics of wikis.
I also have some qustions which normaly can not be answerd throw the wiki itself, may you please answer me some?
What is the story of founding this wiki?
Has there been a community before?
What public realation measures has been done to promote the wiki?
Can Users become admin?
Thank you in advance
Lars Sobanski
(excuse me for my english, i hope you understand what i want know?! i´m german antive...)
:Lars, brief history of WikiIndex: was created by [[Raymond King|Ray King]] and [[John Stanton]] in June 2005 as a way to track the wiki sites they thought had value for them. At the WikiSym conference in San Diego in October 2005 Ray and John joined forces with [[Mark Dilley]] who had a much more comprehensive wiki list called SwitchWiki and took the decision to join the two efforts together. The resulting wiki was to be more comprehensive and take full advantage of wiki technology. John converted and expanded the data from both sites and built out the original set of 1000 wikis in January of 2006. Throughout 2006 a community formed around WikiIndex and greatly expanded the number of wikis and improved the original format. By November 2006 the article count was at 3,195 and WikiIndex had become the authoritative source for information about Wiki sites.
WikiIndex dedicated volunteers include the following who have sysop status: [[Raymond King|Ray King]], [[Mark Dilley]], [[John Stanton]], [[Ted Ernst]], [[DavidCary|David Cary]], [[MattisManzel|Mattis Manzel]] and [[Sean Fennel]]. Many, many others have contributed significantly to WikiIndex in all kinds of capacities.
A previous community existed for SwitchWiki, Mark Dilley's creation.
We did do some some promotion at various events including Recent Changes Camp. We did caricatures of participants, gave out stickers and other promotional items.
Users are invided to become admins based on participation and contributions we started with 3 admins and we now have 7.
[[User:John Stanton|John]] 11:29, 14 November 2006 (EST)
== Namespace creation ==
Read my comments [[WikiIndex_talk:About#Namespace_creation|here]]. I don't know how to install it, but it could be useful. (now I know I'd put it on talk:main page but anyway) <span title="Swedish n-dash FTW!">&ndash;</span> [[User:Smiddle|Smiddle]] / <small>[[User talk:Smiddle|T]]&middot;[[Special:Contributions/Smiddle|C]]&middot;[[Special:Emailuser/Smiddle|@]]</small> 10:11, 15 November 2006 (EST)
:Here I found something (maybe) [[meta-wiki:Help:Namespace manager]], [ download] <span title="Swedish n-dash FTW!">&ndash;</span> [[User:Smiddle|Smiddle]] / <small>[[User talk:Smiddle|T]]&middot;[[Special:Contributions/Smiddle|C]]&middot;[[Special:Emailuser/Smiddle|@]]</small> 14:08, 17 November 2006 (EST)
:Not sure why your talk page is semi-protected. In any case, the namespace editor was something included in MW1.6-wikidata which never made it into the main code (which currently would be MW1.9-alpha). There is a [ kludge version] which operates as a [[Special:Interwiki]]-lookalike extension, editing a namespace list. The original was somewhat more ambitious in scope. --[[User:Carlb|Carlb]] 13:22, 15 December 2006 (EST)
== Problems with ParserFunctions ==
I tried to use #expr in the Sandbox-Page ([ Permalink]), but it did nothing but errors. How can we get it to function? (it's for [[WikiProject:By Size]]: if #expr does it's job, we can enter and display page count numbers and auto-categorize the wiki page (by comparison with size class limits)) --[[Wolf Peuker|Peu]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 13:37, 22 November 2006 (EST)
We should do further discussion on [[Help:ParserFunctions]] or its talk page. --[[Wolf Peuker|Peu]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 16:33, 22 November 2006 (EST)
:Thanks for the [[Special:Version|upgrade!]] --[[Wolf Peuker|Peu]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 13:10, 19 December 2006 (PST)
== Domain redirect ==
.com isn't redirecting me to .org. seems to think it was bought by 1 & 1 hosting. &mdash;&nbsp;<span style="font-family: Kristen ITC, Arial;">[[User:Sean Fennel]][[User talk:Sean Fennel|@]]</span> 00:02, 18 December 2006 (PST)
:: Domain Tools is always slow to pick up changes, the difficulty is that Ray actually owns both the names and he has to make the changes on GoDaddy. We had already initiated the change when I discovered that the logo images weren't working properly so we reversed the change and that's when the trouble began. Ray and I are getting together today at noon and we should be able to get it squared away then. [[User:John Stanton|John]] 08:26, 18 December 2006 (PST)
== spam filter ==
please see [[WikiIndex:Community talk#Spam protection filter blocks normal editing]] [[TedErnst]] | <small>[[User talk:TedErnst|talk]]</small> 15:37, 27 December 2006 (PST)
== &-character not working in page titles ==
please see [[Talk:National_Disaster_Animal_Relief]] [[User:Mutante|Mutante]] 07:57, 3 January 2007 (PST)
== Internal_error.html ==
I'm getting the page a lot:
Doesn't seem consistent when it shows up.  Sometimes going back and clicking the orginal link again seems to work, other times not. [[TedErnst]] | <small>[[User talk:TedErnst|talk]]</small> 11:56, 7 January 2007 (PST)
:: Hmmm... I haven't noticed errors here but it does seem very slow to me. My provider, Comcast, seems to be having problems generally since the first of the year and everything seems slow. How is the speed on your end??? [[User:John Stanton|John]] 12:49, 7 January 2007 (PST)
Yes, very slow as well.  The errors are awful.  Maybe 10% or more of the RC links I clicked gave me the error. [[TedErnst]] | <small>[[User talk:TedErnst|talk]]</small> 13:56, 7 January 2007 (PST)
:: I started a ticket with the new hoster, DreamHost, and if we can't get it resolved I'll move it to another hoster.[[User:John Stanton|John]] 15:20, 7 January 2007 (PST)
:: Dream Host is offloading a bunch of stuff off our server today to free up some capacity. I can see some improvement already. They say the move should be complete by midnight tonight PST so give it a whirl tomorrow and let me know how it works. If this doesn't do the trick they say they will move us to an underutilized server. [[User:John Stanton|John]] 18:36, 9 January 2007 (PST)
:: PS Don't forget to change your bookmarks to (BTW I'm on jury duty tomorrow so I'll be off line during the day) [[User:John Stanton|John]] 18:39, 9 January 2007 (PST)
== .org ==
Great news John!! ;-)  I asked [[RayKing]] to make the change today, and he told me it looked like it was working already, I thought, hey John must have done that!! You ROCK!! Best, [[MarkDilley]]
== Input Box and Templates ==
I also am looking for a new page input system for my plant photos project. It looks like to do what you are with the individual listed wiki pages, you are using a combination of the input box witha couple templates. Is this the main jist of it?
your system, adapted a bit, looks like it would be very convenient for adding a page with info and image for each plant listed. Could you give me a little advice on how to start in on setting that up. I am installed at []
--[[User:PlantPhotos|PlantPhotos]] 15:21, 27 January 2007 (PST)
== Google Ads Monobook ==
I see the info for adding google adsense by editing the Monobook.php . Is this what you are doing here? Also the info here: [] says it is for version 1.5.6 . Just wondering if this is what you are using, will it work, or where else I should look for info. I am using version:
MediaWiki: 1.8.2
PHP: 5.1.2 (cgi-fcgi)
MySQL: 5.0.24a-standard-log
at []
--[[User:PlantPhotos|PlantPhotos]] 14:28, 28 January 2007 (PST)
== Long, annoying URL ==
Why is there a index.php?title= in the URL? How did it get there? &ndash; [[Smiddle]]/<small>[[Talk:Smiddle|T]][[Special:Contributions/Smiddle|C]]</small> 10:21, 9 February 2007 (PST)
::Problems with the rewrite functions in .htaccess made some pages inaccessable, see [ Community Portal]. If we can restore the short URLs we will, if not we will have to keep the standard long, ugly mediawiki URLs.  [[User:John Stanton|John]] 10:52, 9 February 2007 (PST)
:::Oh. Also, I added a [[:Image:Button redirect.png|redirect button]] to the [[MediaWiki:Monobook.js|toolbar]] which worked fine for a while, but for now it's just, for some reason, gone. &ndash; [[Smiddle]]/<small>[[Talk:Smiddle|T]][[Special:Contributions/Smiddle|C]]</small> 02:53, 10 February 2007 (PST)
==PrettyURL Problem==
Sorry to be a pest about this, but I feel the need to emphasize that at the moment this little tech glitch is a quite serious PR issue: The top google link for WikiIndex is broken by this, and gives the naive user the impression that the site is down!  Can we at least make the 404 Not Found error auto redirect to a working homepage, or even just change the contents of it to include a working link to the homepage?--[[User:|]] 06:55, 15 February 2007 (PST)
: I agree with you totally but I have been unable to find a solution to the problem if you have one I would love to hear about it! You can see the problem on a new test wiki I have set up at []. Glad for any help anyone can provide. [[User:John Stanton|John]] 08:12, 15 February 2007 (PST)
: I did put up a page for the 404 errors [[User:John Stanton|John]] 10:56, 15 February 2007 (PST)
: I implemented an automatic redirect that converts the short URL to the long URL as a workaround, code below. [[User:John Stanton|John]] 15:25, 15 February 2007 (PST)
$FullURL = "" . substr($_SERVER[SCRIPT_URL], 1);
header( 'Location: ' . $FullURL ) ;
It works!  Sounds like you aren't so happy with this solution, but it seems to do the job for now -- Thanks!!--[[User:|]] 06:00, 16 February 2007 (PST)
Oops -- suddenly it is back to Not Working!--[[User:|]] 17:27, 23 February 2007 (PST)
:: We had a system outage that forced us to completely rebuild WikiIndex, see [[Community_Portal]]. I check to see what went wrong with the script. [[User:John Stanton|John]] 19:37, 23 February 2007 (PST)
:: Should be working now, thanks for alerting me! [[User:John Stanton|John]] 19:53, 23 February 2007 (PST)
== open id ==
Can we (I mean you, actually. :-) ) make this happen? - thanks! [[TedErnst]] | <small>[[User talk:TedErnst|talk]]</small> 23:26, 12 February 2007 (PST)
::Yeah, that's part of what I wanted to talk you and Mark about but I'm going to go ahead and do it as soon as I get the ugly URL problem taken care of [[User:John Stanton|John]] 09:30, 13 February 2007 (PST)
== talk page now unprotected ==
Just letting you know.  Also, when we protect it again in case of spam, let's remember to put a notice at the top that says a person has to log in to edit it.  [[TedErnst]] | <small>[[User talk:TedErnst|talk]]</small> 15:58, 14 February 2007 (PST)
== Dynamic Page List ==
The WikiIndex website is using a rather outdated version of a MediaWiki extension named DynamicPageList(DPL). There is a new version with plenty of improved functionality available. Perhaps you may want to have [ a look?] --Algorithmix [[User:|]] 08:22, 20 February 2007 (PST)
== "There are 200 articles in this category." ==
When I go to [[:Category:All]], I see this message. I checked the system messages, but ???. By the way: if we don't really need the DPL extension (I don't know if) we should consider to cancel it, pages that contain DPL should not be cached, you have to purge manually. I deleted it from "my own" wiki some time ago, adapting the "wikiindex way" of using categories. --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 14:42, 20 February 2007 (PST)
:I will update the DPL to the latest version this week. It is useful for some people to gather specialized info about WikiIndex. [[User:John Stanton|John]] 19:53, 20 February 2007 (PST)
:: Ok, but what about the errornous "200 articles"? --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 07:31, 21 February 2007 (PST)
:The "[[:Category:All]]" category page has a "next 200"  and a "previous 200" link to allow you to page through All of the wikis on this site, 200 at a time. It is not the total count of wikis. I'm glad you mentioned that because I need to set that page size higher, probably at 2000 or so, I'll take care of that sometime today.  [[User:John Stanton|John]] 08:42, 21 February 2007 (PST)
:: Changed to 2000 categories per page. [[User:John Stanton|John]] 08:50, 21 February 2007 (PST)
::: 2000 is good for the [[:category:All]], maybe not soo good for other categories, for instance [[:Category:WikiLogo]], but the main misbehavior is the obviously wrong "There are '''X''' articles in this category." --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 13:10, 21 February 2007 (PST)
:: I changed the system message to read "There are nnnn articles on this category page." to make it a bit cleared to all. [[User:John Stanton|John]] 13:39, 21 February 2007 (PST)
::: Ok, I think it's a mediawiki issue, I can read on the english wikipedia "[ There are $1 files in '''this section''' of this category.]" --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 13:50, 21 February 2007 (PST)
:: Definitely is a mediawiki issue, all we can do is explain it better:-) [[User:John Stanton|John]] 14:14, 21 February 2007 (PST)
=== fault-tolerant wiki ===
Dear John,
I was sad when WikiIndex went offline, like too many other wiki.
I am glad you brought it back online.
I've been thinking about setting up a "fault-tolerant wiki".
I suspect you are now more receptive to such ideas :-).
The idea of making a wiki more fault-tolerant
seems so obvious to me that I'm surprised every wiki isn't already fault-tolerant.
But I hope to build one soon.
Feel free to make suggestions and give advice.
--[[User:DavidCary|DavidCary]] 01:54, 20 May 2007 (EDT)
: I love the idea of a fault-tolerant wiki, count me in! [[User:John Stanton|John]] 13:35, 20 May 2007 (EDT)
== Block IP ==
Hi there John, as you seem to be a Sysop, it is probably worth blocking the IP for spam infractions.  --[[User:Spud Gun | <b><FONT COLOR="#8B3A3A">Carl McBride</FONT></b>]] 10:25, 30 August 2007 (EDT)
:Thanks Karl, [[User:Peu|Peu]] got him, it's not normally too useful to block IPs because they switch them so easily but we have just implemented a Captcha to slow them down a bit :-) [[User:John Stanton|John]] 14:24, 1 September 2007 (EDT)
== what about MediaWiki 1.11 ? ==
Hi John again,
our company wiki has been updated some days ago and I read carefully the MediaWiki release notes 1.10->1.11 The problem with dark thumbnail pictures[] (see for instance [[:Image:AK VORRAT.png]] in [[]]) has gone. Also the good page count raised from about 750 to about 1000. The only problems that occured was with DPL (our DPL-extension was too old). Should we update? Best regards --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 08:20, 29 September 2007 (EDT)
== What do you think about external wikiindex entry points? ==
Hi John,
please have a look on [[Proposal:WikiIndex Pages on indexed Wikis]] --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 07:03, 3 October 2007 (EDT)
== qwepoksdf - what does this mean? ==
Hi John,
(so many questions now),
what is the sense behind this junk edits all over the wiki, have you any idea? Best regards --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 03:04, 5 October 2007 (EDT)
: Spoke with some other wiki folks at Wiki Wednesday who are experiencing the same attack & nobody seem to know, it is annoying.  [[User:John Stanton|John]] 10:18, 5 October 2007 (EDT)
: See my recent edit of [[Talk:WikiProject:Recent_Changes_Patrol]]. These are likely spammers testing the terrain before putting in real spam. I know it's against our policy, but may I suggest banning their IPs? It is al least moderately effective, which is better than nothing. -- [[Felix Pleşoianu]] | <small>[[User talk:Felix|talk]]</small> 04:37, 6 October 2007 (EDT)
: I block them for a period that depends on activity. Long distances of junk insertion leads to long block times:
: * 1 junk edit &rarr; 1 day
: * 1 junk edits only today &rarr; 3 days
: * 1 junk edits since 1 month &rarr; 3 months
: I think it's a good idea - if they come back after unblocking, I can use the Block Log to find out how long they should be blocked.
But, do we do the right, are these IPs ony used by spamming bots?
--[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 06:04, 6 October 2007 (EDT)(sorry forgot)
: It's definitely possible that somebody's computer is running a bot without their knowledge, or that a network with a shared IP has just one compromised computer in it. But in this case, the owners of said computer/network are at least partly responsible. Let them clean up their machines and then tell us. -- [[Felix Pleşoianu]] | <small>[[User talk:Felix|talk]]</small> 14:02, 6 October 2007 (EDT)
:: I have made a [[Zwuilbly|list of my blocked IPs]] (maybe I should expand it to all blocked IPs), it will possibly better to collect our knoledge there (would do you think about a "[[WikiProject:Junking bots]]"?). I think, we should make it visible to our anonymous users that some IPs are blocked. We should further more rethink the blocking depth: allow starting an account or not and the blocking duration. If we work seriously on this, I would say, we can keep wikiindex rather clean. --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 14:19, 6 October 2007 (EDT)
== How do I mark pages as patrolled? ==
Hi John,
I cannot remove the exclamation marks, a know this link "mark as patrolled", but I cannot find it anymore ?? --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 06:42, 6 October 2007 (EDT)
::Your sysop status has not changed Wolf, you should be able to patrol as always [[User:John Stanton|John]] 22:49, 11 October 2007 (EDT)
== plus symbols in page names ==
Hi again John,
do you control the rewrite rules for the Wikiindex-URLs? Maybe there is something broken (or in localsettings.php?). I know several Wikis that accept such page names. I need it fur UTC-Distance categorization. I would be happy if that could be brought to work. Thanks in advance --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 12:14, 6 October 2007 (EDT)
:please look at [[:Category:Timezone UTC+2]] (&larr; doesn't work) in [[:Category:Timezone Distances]] --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 17:17, 8 October 2007 (EDT) (tippo corrected), please have a look on it, John --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 16:36, 10 October 2007 (EDT)
::This is a continuing problem with the pretty URL code in .htaccess, almost every mediawiki revision introduces some new problem with pretty url code. It takes a lot of study and trial and error on my part to debug the rewrite code because I am not very good at it :-)  I'll get on it next week, any help much appreciated! [[User:John Stanton|John]] 22:45, 11 October 2007 (EDT)
== Sysop-tag ==
Hi John,
There's a new [[template:sysop]] that can be used to tag users, which are currently active sysops. I think this will be good, because only sysops have the right to block/unblock and if someone feels blocked he needs help. --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 06:43, 13 October 2007 (EDT)
::Looks good! [[User:John Stanton|John]] 09:15, 13 October 2007 (EDT)
::: Thank you for using the tag. Is there a page on wikiindex, where a user can address all admins, in case he or she needs help urgently? Should we make the talk page of [[:category:Active administrators of this wiki]] to that place? --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 16:04, 13 October 2007 (EDT)
== Captcha for ALL anon edits ==
Hi John,
this one: would you please have a look on [ this], it's very boring and depressing to revert gibberish all the time. We should - for now - activate the Captcha for all anonymous editors. --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 19:40, 27 October 2007 (EDT)
:: Done! Check it out, might have some unintended consequences. See [[Community_Portal#Growing_Pains]] [[User:John Stanton|John]] 21:28, 27 October 2007 (EDT)
== Problem with Captcha ==
Hi John, what do you think about this?:
[[Talk:Welcome#Captcha]] --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 03:30, 15 November 2007 (EST)
: Hi John, checking this very question :-) [[MarkDilley]]
:: Let me know what you find Mark, thanks [[User:John Stanton|John]] 00:05, 20 November 2007 (EST)
== Problem trying to contact you ==
Dear Mr Stanton, I am trying to contact you, would you please place an email where you can be reached? Your page in AboutUS returned my email to you with User unknown Giving up.
Thank you very much.
== from [[User:Comets]] ==
[9:57pm] Warpath: ahh get your wikis spam blacklist updated pliz
[9:58pm] Warpath:
[9:59pm] Warpath: and
Best, [[MarkDilley]]
== image not loading == - please check out and help if you can
: Hi, I'm responsible for AdvenTiki and tried to update all info as well as I could. If something is still lacking, I'll be happy to help. Chris
== Vandal ==
[[User:Deborah]] has vandalized the [[Conservapedia]] article. [[User:Proxima Centauri|Proxima Centauri]] 17:08, 30 July 2008 (EDT)
== Troll ==
[ Snuffleupagus] is a troll.  He hasn’t been here since August 5th.  I suggest keeping an eye on him if he returns. [[User:Proxima Centauri|Proxima Centauri]] 07:08, 11 August 2008 (EDT)
He's returned.  He's trolling. An administrator should delete the [ Sandbox] and oversight it as Snuffleupagus put [ personal information] there.
As far as I can tell this user has not made one useful contribution to the Wiki.  If I were a sysop here I would consider blocking him. [[User:Proxima Centauri|Proxima Centauri]] 06:51, 25 August 2008 (EDT)
Give me sysop buttons and I'll deal with these  trolls that have turned up in recent changes. [[User:Proxima Centauri|Proxima Centauri]] 17:03, 25 August 2008 (EDT)
== When it says number of pages on the size template, does it mean number of articles ==
Or does it include the talk pages, templates, images, e.t.c?
P.S can you reply on my talk page
--[[User:Semajdraehs|Semajdraehs]] 07:58, 27 August 2008 (EDT)
: See [[WikiProject:By Size]]. --[[User:DavidCary|DavidCary]] 14:31, 22 October 2008 (EDT)
Hi John. A few months late, I noticed [ your note] on the [[Community Portal]] about DPL. We had similar problems with the scalability of that feature at Wikia. One thing we found helped a lot was to have a specific DPL server, so that slow queries only affect other DPL queries rather than affecting the whole site. Removing DPL from the most popular pages such as the [[Welcome|home page]] can make a huge difference, and having social rules about using simpler queries such as basic category intersections rather than anything complex can help to limit use to levels the site can cope with. I hope you're able to revive it - it was a useful feature here. [[User:Angela|Angela]] 15:21, 17 October 2008 (EDT)
== DeveloperWiki ==
Since you are a Developer, sure you can contribute to too. Thanks
== Thanks  ==
Thanks for making Elassint aned me sysops.  What work do sysops do here? [[User:Proxima Centauri|Proxima Centauri]] 10:47, 6 November 2008 (EST)
== The Conservapedia RationalWiki war ==
There has been discussion about removing a great deal of criticism from the [[Conservapedia]] article.  See [[Talk:Conservapedia#Lengthy criticisms|Lengthy criticisms]].  A great deal of material was removed. Then there was a problem because the [ RationalWiki] article linked to criticism that no longer existed. I therefore put the criticism of Conservapedia into a new article, [[The Conservapedia RationalWiki war]] and linked it to both the Conservapedia and [[RationalWiki]] articles. If that's still not acceptable I can probably get Rationalwiki to host it and put it into an external link. [[User:Proxima Centauri|Proxima Centauri]] 13:25, 15 November 2008 (EST)
[[Talk:The Conservapedia RationalWiki war]] is getting quite long. [[User:Proxima Centauri|Proxima Centauri]] 02:37, 16 November 2008 (EST)
== Can you help? ==
[[User talk:Proxima Centauri#username/password|Someone has a problem]].  I don't know what to do. [[User:Proxima Centauri|Proxima Centauri]] 09:45, 15 February 2009 (EST)
== Addition of a wikiFactor?  ==
Dear John Stanton,
I have just started the page [[Proposal:wikiFactor]], and it would be wonderful if you would take a look. All the best --[[User:Spud Gun | <b><FONT COLOR="#8B3A3A">Carl McBride</FONT></b>]] ([[User_talk:Spud_Gun |talk]]) 05:53, 4 March 2009 (EST)
== [[FortWiki]] ==
Hi John, I reverted the wikiFactor to 1. I'm sorry for that, I don't want to begin a war concerning this, I see that the factor is 1.965 - thats <u>very</u> close to 2. Maybe the factor of popular pages grows automatically if some pages make a ''article of the day'' carousel. I hope you understand my kind intention - my English isn't so good. :-) Greetings from Berlin --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 03:25, 1 April 2009 (EDT)
== administrator ==
Can I be an administrator? I did many constructive edit.[[User:Jonah Musto|Jonah Musto]] 21:08, 22 July 2009 (EDT)
: I think, you should spend a few days longer on WikiIndex and create a User Page and feed [ your countributions list a little] - maybe you'll be suprised to be an admin some day (without asking for that). Greetings --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 04:38, 23 July 2009 (EDT)
:: And, please, add the source to the images you uploaded. Even if they are public domain it's nice to have the author mentioned. --[[Wolf Peuker|Wolf]] | <small>[[User talk:Peu|talk]]</small> 04:44, 23 July 2009 (EDT)
:::He's blocked because he's been doing things like asking for money, see [[User talk:Jonah Musto]]. [[User:Proxima Centauri|Proxima Centauri]] 23:23, 30 July 2009 (EDT)
== Dispute Resolution ==
Hey John, wanted to see if you were interested in dispute resolution, my suggestion is [ here] ~~ [[MarkDilley]]
If you are gonna be around or available in some way, I (and probably others) would appreciate if you could give us your perception of the [[WikiIndex:Policies_and_Guidelines|policy development page]] that I created to try to help editors and sysops, to anticipate what to expect from the administration. [[User:Lumenos|Lumenos]] 11:53, 6 September 2009 (EDT)
Palaeos Wiki is down and there is a placeholderin its place.  Will Palaeos be back? [[User:Proxima Centauri|Proxima Centauri]] 13:56, 19 September 2009 (EDT)
It's down yet again. [[User:Proxima Centauri|Proxima Centauri]] 09:55, 14 October 2009 (EDT)
It's still down a day later, what's wrong? [[User:Proxima Centauri|Proxima Centauri]] 00:31, 15 October 2009 (EDT)
I've amended the [[Palaeos]] article to say it's offline. [[User:Proxima Centauri|Proxima Centauri]] 08:59, 17 October 2009 (EDT)
There were problems here, some were genuine mistakes I made but I could have explained other problems that [[MarkDilley]] had with me.  I was given a chance to explain but frankly I decided that I have too many administrative duties on too many wikis.  Mark Dilley would never have full confidence in me again and I would never have full confidence in the absentee owner either.  Therefore I decided to stay on wikis where the others trust me and not to spend several hours explaining controversial actions that I’d done and that Mark Dilley would have probably understood if he spent more time here. [[User:Proxima Centauri|Proxima Centauri]] 12:00, 11 February 2010 (EST)

Revision as of 01:08, 17 September 2010

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