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''Come visit us: []''
''Come visit us: []''
It would also be helpful to add the year of founding, like so...




Revision as of 15:44, 20 March 2011

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Main topic: Intelligence & Information Security


WIKINT has two primary focuses: Intelligence Studies and Information Systems Security/Information Assurance.

Although much of the content found on WIKINT can also be found on Wikipedia, we aim to offer a more in-depth view of each article, with complete citations and references. Many of Wikipedia's templates have been used on WIKINT for display and formatting purposes. Many of the initial articles are also from Wikipedia.

WIKINT is a wiki dedicated to intelligence, espionage, security, and history related to those subjects. It is also used as a research and note taking vehicle for students enrolled in Intelligence Studies and Information Systems Security/Information Assurance programs.

Currently, public editing is limited to registered users only.

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Wiki size: 419 article pages see stats