MediaWiki:Gadget-ajaxPreview.js: Difference between revisions
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Latest revision as of 21:23, 30 July 2013
/* <nowiki> */
* ajaxPreview
* Source:
* Slightly altered:
* 1) Original script consists of two pages; combined these into one.
* 2) Added support for collapsible elements & sortable tables in preview.
* 3) Made compatible with ResourceLoader.
* 4) Removed loading syntaxhighlight CSS from en.wikipedia (moved to MediaWiki:Gadget-ajaxPreview.css).
* 5) Removed diff CSS from (loading local diff CSS instead).
window.ajaxPreviewPos = 'bottom'
/* ajaxPreview.js
* Source:
jQuery(function($) {
window.ajaxPreviewMsg =
{emptydiff: 'No changes'
,difftip: 'shift-click the button to show changes compared to this old version'
,diff2old: 'comparison to old version'
,viewtip: 'shift-click the button to update interwiki and categories as well\
(<a href="//" target=_blank>more</a>)'
function ajaxPreviewButtons(){
var ajaxPreviewPos = window.ajaxPreviewPos || 'right'
if( ajaxPreviewPos != 'bottom' ){
var previewToolbar = $('<div style="float:'+ajaxPreviewPos+'" />')
if( $.wikiEditor ){
$('#wikiPreview').after('<div style="width:100%; clear:both" />', previewToolbar)
var el = $('#toolbar')
if( el.length ) el.prepend(previewToolbar)
else $('#editform').before(previewToolbar)
addBtn(window.ajaxPreviewButton, 'wpPreview', window.ajaxPreviewKey || 'p')
if( wgArticleId )
addBtn(window.ajaxDiffButton, 'wpDiff', window.ajaxDiffKey || 'v')
function addBtn(name, id, akey){
var btnOld = $('#'+id)
if( !btnOld ) return
var btn = $('<input type=button id="'+id+'Live" title="'+btnOld.val() + ' (ajax)" />')
if( ajaxPreviewPos == 'bottom' ){
btn.val( btnOld.val() ).insertBefore( btnOld.val('>') )
if( !name ){ //extract last word from standard buttons
var name = btnOld.val(); var i = name.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1
name = name.substring(i, i+1).toUpperCase() + name.substring(i+1)
btn.val(name).css({height:'22px', padding:'0 1px'}).appendTo(previewToolbar)
if( akey ){ //reassign acces key
if( btnOld.attr('accesskey') == akey )
btnOld.removeAttr('accesskey').attr('title', btnOld.attr('title').replace(tooltipAccessKeyRegexp, '') )
btn.attr('accesskey', akey).attr('title', btn.attr('title') + ' ['+tooltipAccessKeyPrefix+akey+']' )
if( /^(edit|submit)$/.test(wgAction) && wgCanonicalNamespace != 'Special' ){
/* preview2.js
* Source:
ajaxPreview = new function(){
var wkPreview = $('#wikiPreview'), frm = document.editform
if (!wkPreview.length || !frm) return
$('#wpPreviewLive, #wpDiffLive').click(run)
var cssWait, cssDiff, cssPreview, cssOutdated
var isDiff, isFullPreview, btn, oldHeight, htm, scriptTip
var mm = window.ajaxPreviewMsg || {}
function run (e){
btn = $(this)
btn.width( btn.outerWidth() ).attr('orig', btn.val())
$('#wikiDiff, #newarticletext').hide()
oldHeight = wkPreview.height()
scriptTip = ''
if (!cssWait) cssWait = mw.util.addCSS('#wikiPreview {opacity: 0.3; color:gray} body {cursor:wait }')
else cssWait.disabled = false
var url = wgScriptPath + '/api.php?format=json', data, ext
var txt = frm.wpTextbox1.value
isDiff = btn.attr('id') == 'wpDiffLive'
if (isDiff){
if( !cssDiff ) cssDiff = importStylesheetURI(wgScriptPath + '/load.php?modules=mediawiki.action.history.diff&only=styles')
url += '&action=query&prop=revisions'
data = { titles: wgPageName.replace(/_/g,' '), rvdifftotext: txt}
if (frm.wpSection.value) url += '&rvsection=' + frm.wpSection.value
if (frm.oldid.value && frm.oldid.value != '0'){ //can compare to currently edited older version, not to the latest
if (e.shiftKey) {
url += '&rvstartid=' + frm.oldid.value + '&rvendid=' + frm.oldid.value
scriptTip = mm.diff2old
else scriptTip = mm.difftip
}else{ //preview
if (frm.wpSection.value) txt += '<br /><references />'
if ( (wgNamespaceNumber==2 || wgNamespaceNumber==8) && (ext = /\.(js|css)$/.exec(wgTitle)) ){
txt = '<syntaxhighlight lang="' + (ext[1]=='js'?'javascript':'css') + '">' + txt + '</'+'syntaxhighlight>'
url += '&action=parse&pst=&disablepp=&prop=text'
data = { title: wgPageName, text: txt, summary: frm.wpSummary.value}
if (window.ajaxPreviewFull || e.shiftKey){
isFullPreview = true
url += '|categorieshtml|languageshtml|templates'
isFullPreview = false
if (wgNamespaceNumber==0) scriptTip = mm.viewtip
//switch to multipart to decrease sent data volume on non-latin languages
var boundary = '--------123xyz' + Math.random(), dat2 = ''
for (var nm in data) dat2 += '--' + boundary + '\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="'+nm+'"\n\n' + data[nm] + '\n'
url: url,
type: 'post',
data : dat2 + '--' + boundary,
contentType: 'multipart/form-data; charset=UTF-8; boundary='+boundary,
success: receive
function receive(resp){
cssWait.disabled = true
if (window.currentFocused) currentFocused.focus()
htm = ''
try {
if (isDiff){
htm = resp.query.pages[wgArticleId].revisions[0].diff['*']
if (htm)
htm = '<table class=diff>'
+'<col class=diff-marker><col class=diff-content><col class=diff-marker><col class=diff-content>'
+ htm + '</table>'
htm = mm.emptydiff
resp = resp.parse
htm = resp.text['*']
if (frm.wpSection.value == 'new'){ //add summary as H2
htm = '<h2>' + resp.parsedsummary['*'] + '</h2>' + htm
var $sum = $(frm).find('') //create summary preview if needed
if (!$sum.length) $sum = $('<div class=mw-summary-preview />').insertAfter('#wpSummary')
$sum.html('<span class=comment>'+resp.parsedsummary['*']+'</span>')
}catch (err) { var htm = 'error: ' + err }
htm =
(scriptTip ?
'<small style="float:right; border:1px dotted gray; padding:0 1em"><span style="color:red">!</span> '
+scriptTip+'</small>' : '')
+ '<h3 id=ajax-preview-h3>'+btn.val()+' (ajax)</h3><hr>' // font-style:italic; text-align:right
+ htm
if (window.ajaxPreviewScrollTop) wkPreview[0].scrollIntoView()
else $(window).scrollTop( $(window).scrollTop() + wkPreview.height() - oldHeight )
if (!isDiff) finalizePreview(resp)
function finalizePreview(resp){
if (!cssPreview) cssPreview = mw.util.addCSS('span.editsection {display:none} .hiddencats {opacity:0.5}') // demonstrate that hiddencats will not be updated
if ($('#wikiPreview .mw-collapsible').length) {
$('#wikiPreview .mw-collapsible').makeCollapsible();
if (window.ajaxPreviewExec) {
if ($('#wikiPreview table.sortable').length) {
mw.loader.using('jquery.tablesorter', function() {
$('#wikiPreview table.sortable').tablesorter();
if (!isFullPreview){
if (!cssOutdated) cssOutdated = mw.util.addCSS('.templatesUsed, #p-lang, #catlinks {opacity:0.5}')
else cssOutdated.disabled = false
//$('#p-lang, #catlinks').attr('title', 'Not updated by latest preview')
//otherwise update other areas
if (cssOutdated) cssOutdated.disabled = true
htm = resp.languageshtml['*']
var plang = $('#p-lang')
if (!plang.length)
plang = $('#p-tb').clone(true).attr('id','p-lang').insertAfter('#p-tb')
.find('h5').text( htm.replace(/[:<].+$/,'') ).end()
'<li>' + htm.replace(/^[^<]*/,'').replace(/<\/a>[^<]+/g,'</a></li><li>') + '</li>'
htm = ''
var tt = resp.templates
for (var i=0; i<tt.length; i++)
htm += '<li><a href="/wiki'+encodeURIComponent(tt[i]['*'])+'"'
+ (typeof tt[i].exists == 'string' ? '' : ' class=new')
+ '>' + tt[i]['*'] + '</a></li>'
/* </nowiki> */