Yell threatens to shut down Yellowikis: Difference between revisions

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'''Yell threatens to shut down Yellowikis'''
'''Yell threatens to shut down Yellowikis'''

Revision as of 23:59, 5 July 2006


Yell threatens to shut down Yellowikis


From Wikinews comes thin story:

Yell, the worlds biggest yellow pages publisher, today threatened to shut down Yellowikis, the wiki based yellow pages directory.
They accused Yellowikis co-founders Paul Youlten and Rosa Blaus (his 15 year-old daughter) of "misrepresentation", "passing off" and suggested that using the name Yellowikis could "constitute an 'instrument of fraud'"
Yell are demanding that Paul and Rosa Close down the website, transfer the domain names to Yell and agree to pay damages to Yell for loss of profits. (Yell made $2.4bn in 2005, Yellowikis made a loss of $500 which was used to print t-shirts promoting Yellowikis at the Wikimania conference in Frankfurt)