Piratenwiki (de): Difference between revisions

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(Can anybody check the english translation, please :-))
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<big><big><big>PROXIMA CENTAURI IS ABUSING HER POWERS! STOP HER</big></big></big>
| logo              = http://www.wikiindex.org/images/d/de/Logo_Wiki_bm4.gif
| URL              = http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/
| recentchanges URL = http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Spezial:Letzte_%C3%84nderungen
| wikinode URL      = http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/WikiNode
| status            = Vibrant
| language          = German
| editmode          = OpenEdit
| engine            = MediaWiki
| license          = Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
| maintopic        = Activism

== Description ==
This will continue until she is removed from this project
Das Piratenwiki ist die Informations- und Koordinationsplattform der Piratenpartei Deutschland. Hier werden Inhalte gesammelt und gemeinsam erarbeitet. Jeder, der mit unseren Zielen übereinstimmt und mithelfen will, ist stets willkommen.
The Piratenwiki is the information and coordination platform for the German Pirate Party. Here we collaborate collecting and creating contents. Everybody is welcome who agrees with our aim and wants to help.
further tags:
* {{tag|activism}}
* {{tag|internet}}
* {{tag|open access}}
| pages = 3190
| mw good pages = 3190
| mw total pages = 10900
| statistics URL = http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Spezial:Statistik?action=raw
| wikiFactor = 16
| wikiFactor URL = http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Spezial:Beliebteste_Seiten

Revision as of 10:04, 24 August 2009


This will continue until she is removed from this project