Wolf Peuker

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Revision as of 01:31, 30 September 2012 by TeraS (talk | contribs) (Reverted edits by ABIDEEN0 (talk) to last revision by Peu)
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Wolf Peuker
That's me
I'm an administrator here on WikiIndex,
talk to one of us  :-)
de-N This person is a native German speaker.
en-2 This person is an intermediate English speaker.

Welcome, wiki traveller! (Willkommen Wikivagabund)

My name is Wolf Peuker, I live in Berlin, Germany. I joined the WikiIndex community in 2006. Since my English is not so good, please feel free to correct me when nessesary! This way I can improve it step by step.

Leave me a message (Hinterlass mir eine Nachricht)
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