This is the text of the Template:CategoryDiscussions. It is intended to connect the various discussions about categories (also called "tags") that are taking place on various pages here on WikiIndex. If you find a discussion on categories that doesn't have this template, please add the template by typing in {{CategoryDiscussions}} , at the bottom of the page, and then go edit the template to include it and summarize the discussion you found. The following discussions have taken, or are taking place:
- WikiIndex:How do categories work – tries to explain to new editors how our category system works. (Or at least, how we hope it will someday work, once we finish the tasks in the below WikiProjects).
- WikiProject:Categories and Tags – lists some category-related projects we've been working on (feel free to help).
- Category talk:Browse – the talk page of the de facto root category. A logical place for category discussions to occur. Mentions language stuff. Also questions whether "Browse" should even be a category.
- language issues:
- general structure debates:
- dealing with geography:
- specific categories:
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