- 14-July-2016 Encyclopedia Magnetica Encyclopedia of magnetism and electromagnetism
- 7-July-2016 TechNet Wiki Microsoft Developer Community
- 6-July-2016 Betreuungsrechtslexikon German wiki about custodianship law
- 6-July-2016 BildungsWiki German wiki specialised on education about humanities
- 4-July-2016 Custom Mario Kart Wiki about Mario Kart Wii modding.
- 15-May-2016 Tox about the software "Tox"
- 11-May-2016 DIGITUS Wiki DIGITUS® Support WIKI
- 5-May-2016: PolyWiki.se about polyamory and relationship anarchy
- 1-May-2016: WikiFood about ingredients of food
- 27-Apr-2016: Freephile.org Community of Free Software developers, advocates, and users.
- 30-Mar-2016: Rechnerwiki German wiki about calculators
- 9-Mar-2016: The Internet Wiki, a wiki dedicated to documenting the Internet and the technologies that run it.
- 6-Mar-2016: Wikiagé, where @javiage shares what he learns.
- 24-Jan-2016: My Little Pony Fan Labor Wiki, about MLP fan works.
- 24-Jan-2016: My Little Bronies Wiki, a My Little Pony wiki.
- 01-Jan-2016: Wikïnity New encyclopedia of Twinity 3D Metaverse in spanish.
- 05-Dec-2015: Ромянă Чирилице Wики — A free encyclopedia in Cyrillic Romanian that anyone can edit
- 27-Nov-2015: OperaWiki German about Opera Browser
- 03-Nov-2015: Inkipedia The free, editable Splatoon wiki!
- 22-Oct-2015: Simplepedia New German language Wiki on "controversial" subjects.
- 31-Sep-2015: RootzWiki how to root your smartphone
- 12-Sep-2015: Mikrocontroller.net German electronics wiki
- 28-Sep-2015: VroniPlag Wiki detectign plagiate in masters thesis
- 20-Sep-2015: Prepaid-Wiki Prepaid mobile phone services in Germany in German language
- 17-Jul-2015: Wikimitos.org Encyclopedia's mythologies in Spanish language
- 16-Jul-2015: Ballroom.wiki dance techniques
- 16-Jul-2015: OpenJournal.wiki volunteer peer reviewed MediaWiki-based academic journal
- 08-Jul-2015: AdaDevelopersAcademy.wiki the Ada Developers Academy addresses diversity in Seattle's tech community
- 08-Jul-2015: HKPolDB.wiki Hong Kong Politics DB (politicians and political parties in Hong Kong)
- 07-Jul-2015: Hillary.wiki about Hillary Clinton
- 07-Jul-2015: Kucharka.wiki — "Kuchařka" (English: cookbook) is for students (or Matfyzáks) at MMF UK, the Prague institution also known as Matfyz
- 07-Jul-2015: GTA.wiki — dedicated to the Grand Theft Auto franchise
- 04-Jul-2015: Mitopedia.biz — Encyclopedia's mythologies in Spanish language (see Wikimitos.org).
- 24-Jun-2015 The Library Wiki — A site seeking to collect, store, and archive fanfiction for reading purposes.
- 16-Jun-2015: PME.wiki — Pasaulinė Mokslo Enciklopedija (PME) means "World Encyclopedia of Science" in Lithuanian
- 16-Jun-2015: IPBritanico.wiki — Spanish-language wiki about the Instituto Profesional Chileno Británico de Cultura
- 16-Jun-2015: EFL.wiki — used by a community of teachers who work on a project called English as a Foreign Language Resources and Materials ("EFL" is an acronym for "English as a Foreign Language")
- 16-Jun-2015: Craftown.wiki — dedicated to the Polish Minecraft server Craftown
- 16-Jun-2015: CMC.wiki — Russian-language wiki project for faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics at Moscow State University
- 16-Jun-2015: Biotopia.wiki — dedicated to environmental art
- 16-Jun-2015: Wikifen.wiki — Spanish-language wiki about the Universidad de Chile
- 16-Jun-2015: Zabbix.wiki — about Zabbix, an enterprise open source monitoring solution for networks and applications
- 16-Jun-2015: Otherfaith.wiki — dedicated to Otherfaith, a modern polytheist religion created in 2010
- 11-Jun-2015: GameShows.wiki — dedicated to game shows
- 01-Jun-2015: BellaBull.wiki — dedicated to the television series Bella and the Bulldogs
- 01-Jun-2015: Unai.wiki — Portuguese-language wiki about Unai, a city in Minas Gerais, Brazil
- 26-May-2015: Enigmail.wiki — documentation by the project team of Enigmail, a free and open source OpenPGP plugin for Mozilla applications
- 26-May-2015: CommunityTheatre.wiki — community theatre
- 05-May-2015: DC.wiki — Washington, D.C.
- 12-Mar-2015: Death With Dignity Wiki — about physician assisted dying and end of life options
- 10-Mar-2015: Ouya.wiki — repository for all things OUYA, both hardware and software
- 07-Mar-2015: Unbreakable Machine-Doll Wiki — an encyclopedia about the Unbreakable Machine-Doll light novel, manga, and anime
- See earlier visitors - specifically from: 2014 • 2013 • 2012 • 2011 • 2010 • 2009 • 2008 • 2007 • 2006