Template:TOCright WikiEngineTree — the tree in this article below shows roughly how various wiki engine (wiki software) developments are (or were) inter-related. For a full list of wiki engines we have indexed here on WikiIndex, see category: Wiki Engine.

The tree is a subjective approach to a classification of wiki engines according to their origins; where the original programmer (or founder) of the wiki engine got the idea of deriving (or forking) a new wiki engine. In other words: this is supposed to be a tree of the evolution of wiki engines (not wiki forums or wiki sites, but wiki engines). It is supposed to show where a wiki engine was derived from. Of course, this can be very subjective.

Page format

Please try to list information in the following order (bold items are strongly preferred):

wiki engineyear the development of the wiki engine started; first programmer / founder name; programming language (original / primary) of the wiki engine; its relation to any existing wiki engines; project or community the engine was originally made for [if any]; notable and / or new features;

by using (the leading hash # generates the auto-numbering):

#[[:Category:Engine Name|Engine Name]] — year; author / founder; prog lang; relation; original use; other comment;

Wiki Engine tree

Apple HyperCard stack for Tektronix — 19YY; Ward Cunningham; ???; Ward's Tektronix colleagues; precursor to seeding the wiki concept

  1. WikiWikiWeb — 1994; Ward Cunningham; Perl; Portland Pattern Repository / patterns community; first wiki, aka Ward's Wiki
    1. ThoughtsWeaver — ca. 1996; Jim Coplien; ???;
    2. CvWiki — 1997; Peter Merel; Perl; GreenCheese (?); WayBackMode
      1. TunesWiki — 19YY; ; ???;
      2. AtisWiki — 1998; MarcusDenker; Perl; ATIS / University of Karlsruhe; transclusion of web pages
        1. UniToWiki — 19YY; Enrico Pasini; Perl; University of Turin
        2. UseMod Wiki — 1999; CliffordAdams; Perl; Usenet Moderation Project; sub-pages
          1. ProWiki — 2000; HelmutLeitner; Perl; DseWiki, GründerWiki, TolkienWiki, Wiki4D, DorfWiki, OurCulture; fractality
          2. Oddmuse — 2001; Alex Schröder; Perl; EmacsWiki; sub-wikis [1]
            1. FsiWiki — 20YY; ???; Perl??;
          3. WikkiTikkiTavi — 20YY; ???; PHP; KeptPages
          4. Wiki::Toolkit — 2002; Kake Pugh; Perl;
            1. OpenGuides — 2002; Kake Pugh; Perl; city wikis
          5. MediaWiki — 2002; Magnus Manske; PHP; Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation; wiki namespaces
            1. GetWiki — ca. 2003; ???; PHP; Wikinfo / ibiblio; importation of wiki pages
          6. PurpleWiki — 2003; ???; Perl; purple numbers
    3. CocoaDevWiki — 19YY; ???; ???;
    4. Clublet — ca. 2000; RichardDrake; Perl; WhyClublet; sign-in
    5. Dinki — 20YY; ???; Perl;
      1. QuikWiki — 20YY; ???; ???;
    6. QuickiWiki — ca. 1999-2001; Ward Cunningham; Perl; The Wiki Way CD; similar to WikiWikiWeb
    7. ClusterWiki — 1999; Bo Leuf; Perl; The Wiki Way CD; runs a cluster of wiki forums on a single wiki engine
    8. Kwiki aka KwikiKwiki — 19YY; BrianIngerson; Perl; ???;
      1. Socialtext — 19YY; ???; Perl (?); ???;
    9. PikiPiki — 1999; Martin Pool; Python;
      1. PikiePikie — 2000; Steve Pike; Python;
        1. MoinMoin — 2000; Jürgen Hermann; Python; web.de
    10. TipiWiki — 19YY; ???; PHP;
      1. FatWiki — 19YY; ???; ???;
      2. PeanutButterWiki, renamed PBwiki — 2005; David Weekly; PHP; PBwiki wiki farm; now known as PBworks, and hosting over one million (1,000,000+) wiki sites
      3. TipiWiki2 — 19YY; ???; PHP;
    11. WakkaWiki aka Wakka — 19YY; Carlos Zottman / Hendrik Mans; PHP;
      1. CoMaWiki — 19YY; Costal Martignier; PHP;
      2. CooCooWakka — 19YY; Ye Gu; PHP;
      3. UniWakka — 19YY; ???; PHP;
      4. WackoWiki — 2003; Aleksey Kulakov; PHP;
      5. WikkaWakkaWiki aka WikkaWiki — 2004; Jason Tourtelotte; PHP;
      6. WikiNi — 20YY; ???; PHP;
    12. PmWiki — 19YY; Patrick Michaud; PHP;
    13. Green Light Wiki — 19YY; Ben Kovitz; ???;
    14. JosWiki — 19YY; ???; Java (?); Java Operating System
      1. KeheiWiki — 19YY; Bob Racko; ???;
      2. TWiki — 19YY; Peter Thoeny; Perl;
        1. Foswiki — 19YY; Foswiki Forkers; Perl;
    15. Zwiki — 1999; Simon Michael; Python+Zope;
    16. XWiki — 2003; Ludovic Dubost; Java;
    17. PlikiWiki — 2005; John Morden; Perl;

External links