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This Category: Java is either empty, or sparsely populated,
and needs to be 'populated' with articles, stubs (and / or other categories)
relevant to the subject matter of this specific category.

Include an article page in this category via one (or more) of three methods:
a. add Java in the appropriate field of its infobox template
b. 'tag' a word within the prose of the article, eg. {{tag|Java}}
c. add [[Category:Java]] at the bottom of its edit box.

Category:Java — this category here on WikiIndex refers to Java, which can actually mean two very separate subjects:

Indonesian island
In geography, Java is one of the main islands of Indonesia. Home to its capital city Jakarta, Java is source and origin of the Javanese spoken and written language.
Programming language
In computing, Java is a programming language from Sun Microsystems, Inc.
External links

The articles and sub-categories listed below may contain wiki site articles referring to one of the above specific topics, along wiki engine articles compiled from the Java programming language.


This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total.

