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[1] Викимобия
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Status: Active
Language: Russian
Edit mode: OpenEdit
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: [[:Category:Wiki {{{license}}}|{{{license}}}]]
Main topic: Mobile phones


Викимобия - открытая энциклопедия мобильной связи.Более 1000 статей о телефонах, мобильных терминах и технологиях.Викимобия "золото" - Производители телефонов, Термины, Операторы, 4G, Форматы файлов, Пресса, Концепты, Мобильные сервисы, Nokia N-series, Сайты. Проект Романа Горбенко.

This Викимобия page here on WikiIndex is in need of a translation from Russian to English. If you speak both Russian and English, please translate it. If you don't, you maybe can contact someone at category:RussianSpeakers.

If you are able to complete the translation of this article, please change translate (in this template) to translated – to reclassify this article into the category:translations ready for review. Thank-you. :-)

Google Translation: Vikimobiya - open encyclopedia mobile svyazi. Bolee 1000 articles on phones, mobile terms and technology. Vikimobiya "gold" - Vendors, dates, Operators, 4G, File Formats, Newspapers, Concepts, Mobile Services, Nokia N-series, Sites. Project Roman Gorbenko.