Wiki size: | 932,422 article pages see stats |
wikiFactor: | 1 info / verify |
(Total pages as of: 2009-02-16
wikiFactor as of: 2009-03-24)
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Most of the articles were imported or forked from a database dump the English Wikipedia (En.Wp) on 2004 under the terms of the original En.Wp license, the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2, along with some original contributions. When online, it was primarily dormant, with very little, if any page editing, and no editing since June 2008.
Its statistics page has a manipulated and grossly inflated page count of "18,446,744,073,709,551,613 pages that are probably legitimate content pages" (thousands separators added for clarity); in reality, in accordance with MediaWiki norms, its 'true' legitimate content page count is likely to be somewhat less than the 932422 total page count, which includes stubs, redirects, talk pages, along with meta and interface pages.
As of September 2009, there is no longer a wiki on the address. In 2022, its primary url is now being used as a general website for links on a variety of subjects.