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Revision as of 19:48, 2 July 2023 by Hoof Hearted (talk | contribs) (Image hover text)
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This Template:WikiIndex-stub article is a WikiIndex 'stub'. If you are familiar with, and understand the WikiIndex policy system, you can help by expanding this WikiIndex stub article, thanks.  :-)

WikiIndex 'meta' policy stub articles, and this will then auto-include it into category: WikiIndex stubs.

For non-WikiIndex 'meta' policy stub articles, please use any of the more specific stub templates as listed in the table below.


Simply highlight {{WikiIndex-stub}}, copy (Ctrl-c on your Windows PC keyboard, or ⌘-c on your Apple Mac keyboard), and then paste (Ctrl-v or ⌘-v) it to the relevant stub template edit box, and save your edit (Ctrl-s or ⌘-s). This will then auto-include it into the appropriate stub category as shown in the table below.

stub templates table (view / edit)
type of stub article correct stub template stub category
All generic, non-specific general stub articles {{Stub}} category: Stubs
WikiIndex–specific policy or 'meta' stub articles {{WikiIndex-stub}} category: WikiIndex stubs
Template–specific stubs {{Template-stub}} category: Template stubs
Category–specific stubs {{Category-stub}} category: Category stubs
Book–specific stubs {{Book-stub}} category: Book stubs
Wiki people–specific biography stub articles {{Wiki-person-stub}} category: Wiki person stubs
Wiki company–specific stub articles / categories {{Wiki-company-stub}} category: Wiki company stubs
Wiki engine–specific stub articles / categories {{Wiki-engine-stub}} category: Wiki engine stubs
Wiki farm–specific stub articles / categories {{Wiki-farm-stub}} category: Wiki farm stubs
Wikimedia Foundation–specific stub articles {{Wikimedia-stub}} category: Wikimedia stubs
Wikidot–specific stub articles {{Wikidot-stub}} category: Wikidot stubs
Wikia–specific stub articles {{Wikia-stub}} category: Wikia stubs
Uncyclomedia Foundation–specific stub articles {{Uncyclomedia-stub}} category: Uncyclomedia stubs
ShoutWiki–specific stub articles {{ShoutWiki-stub}} category: ShoutWiki stubs
Miraheze–specific stub articles {{Miraheze-stub}} category: Miraheze stubs
Referata–specific stub articles {{Referata-stub}} category: Referata stubs
Wikispaces–specific stub articles {{Wikispaces-stub}} category: Wikispaces stubs
Wikkii–specific stub articles {{Wikkii-stub}} category: Wikkii stubs