Category talk:Microformats

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Revision as of 09:12, 16 June 2006 by ChristopheDucamp (talk | contribs) (some links to discuss about pairing wikireview and microformats)
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Just discovering via Chris Messina some potential uses of "declarative" Microformats on wikis and any other web platforms. FYI, the BarCamp-wiki currently uses them. You know perhaps I'm not a programmer, but I'm still questioning on the way to integrate theses future wiki-formats for the wikiindex-StructuredData project ? Sorry for this newbie question. Perhaps this question has been asked elsewhere ? Currently thinking to this "hreview" attribute and the uses in the future wikis. -- ChristopheDucamp 06:37, 15 June 2006 (EDT)

Hi Christophe, most people that are here are not currently programmers either, so no worries. I barely understand Microformats. We discussed them while WikiVanning to WikiSym, but that was a while ago and in the midst of a lot of incoming data. I think it is a great conversation to start/continue/flush out. MarkDilley
Christophe, I briefly went to find what you are talking about at the BarCamp wiki, but didn't get there. Can you give a link. Thanks, MarkDilley

I have no idea what any of this is. TedErnst | talk 12:48, 15 June 2006 (EDT)

Bonjour Mark et Ted. Just a link on our last [barcamp in paris]. If you have ms-windows you could test this firefox-plugin tails export which is useful to show some "hcalendars-format" on the wiki, in human terms it will show you others events in the world. I'm not sure but I think we could bridge some "tags/categories" with microformats. Currently thinking about the creation of a [world wine wiki] index, I discovered we could create any formats like this wine-format written for wine review : So my suggestion here would be just to talk about the future of pairing wikireview and microformats ? -- Christophe Ducamp | <small>talk 05:12, 16 June 2006 (EDT)