Wiki engine evolution tree

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This is just a subjective approach to a classification of wiki engines according to their origins (where the original programmer of the wiki engine got the idea of deriving a new wiki engine).

In other words: This is supposed to be a tree of the evolution of wiki engines (not wiki forums, but wiki engines). It is supposed to show where a wiki engine was derived from. Of course, this can be very subjective.

(wiki engine, year the development of the wiki engine started, first programmer, original programming language of the wiki engine, project or community the engine was originally made for, basic features that are new)

<-- form

  1. [[:Category:|]] ( , , , , )


Apple HyperCard stack for Tektronix ( , WardCunningham, , Ward's Tektronix colleagues) ->

  1. WikiWikiWeb (1994, WardCunningham, Perl, Portland Pattern Repository/patterns community, first wiki)
    1. CvWiki (1997, PeterMerel, Perl, GreenCheese (?), WayBackMode)
      1. AtisWiki (1998, MarcusDenker, Perl, ATIS/University of Karlsruhe, transclusion of Web pages)
        1. UseModWiki (1999, CliffordAdams, Perl, Usenet Moderation Project, subpages)
          1. PurpleWiki ( , , Perl)
          2. MediaWiki (2002, MagnusManske, PHP, WikiPedia, wiki namespaces)
          3. OddMuse ( , AlexSchröder, Perl, EmacsWiki, subwikis)
    2. QuickiWiki (ca. 2000/01, WardCunningham, Perl, The WikiWay CD, similar to WikiWikiWeb)
    3. ClusterWiki (ca. 2000/01, BoLeuf, Perl, The WikiWay CD, runs a cluster of wiki forums on a single wiki engine)
    4. Kwiki aka KwikiKwiki ( , BrianIngerson, Perl, , )
      1. Socialtext wiki engine ( , , Perl (?), , )
    5. PikiPiki ( , MartinPool, Python)
      1. PikiePikie ( , StevePike, Python)
        1. MoinMoin (2000, JürgenHermann, Python, colleagues (?), )
    6. TipiWiki ( , , PHP)
      1. PeanutButterWiki aka PBWiki ( , DavidWeekly, PHP, PBWiki wiki farm)
      2. TipiWiki2 ( , , PHP)
    7. WakkaWiki aka Wakka ( , , PHP)
      1. UniWakka ( , , PHP)
      2. WikkaWiki aka Wikka ( , , PHP)
    8. PmWiki ( , PatrickMichaud, PHP)
    9. Green Light Wiki ( , BenKovitz, )