This is the text of the Template:CategoryDiscussions. It's intended to connect the various discussions about categories that are taking place on various pages. If you find a discussion on categories that doesn't have this template, please add the template by typing in {{CategoryDiscussions}} and then go edit the template to summarize the discussion you found. The following discussions are taking place:
- Category talk:Browse - The talk page of the de facto root category. A logical place for category discussions to occur. Mentions language stuff. Also questions whether "Browse" should even be a category.
- WikiIndex:Categories - According to the wiki's de facto root category (Browse), this is where category discussion takes place. It is currently empty.
- Language Issues:
- General Structure Debates:
- Proposal:CategoryTree - Offers a pic showing how categories should maybe work in general. Also summarizes how various categories are actually being used currently.
- Proposal:New categories production - A theory of "how to organize categories organically".
- Category talk:Blog - Should variants of the same word be "collapsed" or not? Brought up by existence of cats for Weblog, Weblogs, Blog, Blogs, and Blogging.
- Category talk:Wiki Topic - What should the "root of the topics of wikis" cat be named?
- Dealing With Geography:
- Specific Categories:
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