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weblogs about wiki
- Cutting Through - helping you to cut through the information and technology clutter
- Wiki That! - get more access, a better process, and faster results for civic, social, and enterprise groups that actually DO stuff
- Ross Mayfield - Markets, Technology & Musings
- wikiSquared - In the world of wikis: Everyone is smarter than Any-One.
- CommunityWiki - (RSS)
- Ben Yates
- WACK-a-pedia
- Wikimetrics - on wiki research
- Wikicompany weblog - See also: Wikicompany
- Cooperatics - See also: Coopératique (in French)
- JSPWiki development
- Peter Thoeny's Wiki Corner
- Jimmy Wales
- Szoferka's blog about Wikia and wiki (in Polish)