Open For Business

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Template:Wiki List


This site is hosted by Integral Business Solutions and is intended to facilitate collaboration about the OFBiz platform. It should prove to be an invaluable resource for learning about OFBiz from OFBiz users. The nature of a Wiki will allow this site to morph itself into a highly efficient research tool.

The intended structure of the OFBiz Wiki structure is to be able to drill into each of the layers and the components within the layers to find relevant information, following the OFBiz Architecture. For example, configuration information on a particular J2EE container would be located under Basic Technology Components/J2EE Containers.

This site should be used primarily for documenting existing functionality. All discussions of current development should go on the mailing list. A Coming Soon like page would be appropriate here, but anything that involves a discussion should be sent to the appropriate OFBiz mailing list -- after reading the OFBiz Users Mailing List Etiquette.