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It's certainly worth considereng. Proxima Centauri 08:05, 4 March 2009 (EST)

I like your "wikiFactor" :-) - for MediaWikis, number_of(edits)/number_of(good_pages) is interesting too. --Wolf | talk 10:00, 4 March 2009 (EST)

I'm not sure I understand this

hmm TedErnst | talk 14:52, 5 March 2009 (EST)

I think, It's another measure for size, lets have a look on our wiki:
Popular pages (of WikiIndex):
Position (p)
most visited first
Page name (views) Relation
views [<=>] 1000*p
1. Welcome ?(572,833 views) 572,833 >  1,000
2. Bulbapedia ?(42,344 views) 42,344 >  2,000
3. Community Portal ?(28,489 views) 28,489 >  3,000
11. Wiki.ThePPN ?(14,724 views) 14,724 > 11,000
12. Books ?(12,807 views) 12,807 > 12,000
13. TourBusStop ?(12,371 views) 12,371 < 13,000
If you count the entries with views > 1000*p (marked with green) you get the wikiFactor (12 for WikiIndex). I hope this helps. Greetings from Berlin --Wolf | talk 03:07, 6 March 2009 (EST)