WikiIndex:Community portal
GreetingsThanks for your effort to make WikiIndex a great place to be! The tasks that we are working on currently are in the left column below. Please feel free to ask questions or make changes, you won't break anything. |
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Join us in realtime -, #WikiIndex (irc:// Hosting a Wiki? – Add it to WikiIndex!Fill in the name of the new page in the appropriate box below and click loan modification the create button below the box. Upload Pictures here. |
News (edit!)2025-01-07 – activity and growth 2006-2024An abstract representation of WikiIndex Activity and Growth 2006-2024 as presented by MarkDilley in a 95 second YouTube video here. 2024-02 thoughts about dead wiki / archiving hereHaving run into a bunch of wiki that are no longer with us this year. I started to think that maybe we need a different namespace for wiki that have moved on. So that when people come here and bounce around, they find wiki that are at minimum, online. Also, removing them from all categories would seem prudent. Thoughts? MarkDilley
2022-07 – wiki engine, source code repoMany wiki engines use or place their source code for download away from their own website to an external repository (such as GitHub or SourceForge). The wiki engine infobox template previously never had an option to clearly indicate this; however, it now does! A new field has been created in said infobox – 2022-03 – bye-bye freenode IRC, replacement suggestionsFor those not yet emerged from hibernation, the off-wiki Internet Relay Chat (IRC) feature 'freenode IRC' has closed. We therefore need to find a new service provider for our WikiIndex: Chatroom. One popular chat option appears to be the service provided by Discord.[1] Other services are available, though I personally am not proficient with any; therefore, we need to have a community discussion to find a new chat communication service which everyone (or a majority) are content with. Can we please discuss suggestions, comments, alternatives, pitfalls, etc on our community portal talk page. Thanks in advance! --Sean, aka Hoof Hearted • Admin / 'Crat • talk2HH 23:51, 21 March 2022 (UTC) 2018 – bugs and updatesIt seems we have a few bugs affecting our WikiIndex wiki, so it would be a good idea to consolidate all known bugs in one place. Furthermore, the MediaWiki software that powers our wiki is a little outdated (version 1.24.2), so it would be prudent to consider upgrading not only the core MediaWiki software, but also any requests for any new MediaWiki extensions. Please report your bugs, raise your requests, or contribute to the discussion in the appropriate page listed below. |