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Revision as of 01:43, 11 August 2012 by GChriss (talk | contribs) (add wiki)
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"ReadOnly" is not in the list (OpenEdit, SaveAfterPreview, LoginToEdit, ConfirmEmail, ByInvitation, Unknown edit mode, Pay to edit, Login via forum, Read-only) of allowed values for the "Wiki edit mode" property.

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Founded by:
Status: In preparation
Language: English
Edit mode: ReadOnly"ReadOnly" is not in the list (OpenEdit, SaveAfterPreview, LoginToEdit, ConfirmEmail, ByInvitation, Unknown edit mode, Pay to edit, Login via forum, Read-only) of allowed values for the "Wiki edit mode" property.
Wiki engine: Semantic MediaWiki
Wiki license: Creative Commons"Creative Commons" is not in the list (Custom license, Attribution to contributing authors, Copyright to contributing authors, Site retains copyright, WTFPL, Licence Art Libre, Open Content License, Apache License, BSD Documentation License, FreeBSD Documentation License, ...) of allowed values for the "Wiki license" property.
Main topic: Video
Backups: 2012/08/10

" is a video transcription and annotation platform that features full-length recordings of meetings that span a broad range of social issues. Project goals are to increase availability, discoverability, and liberty to comment on these archived meetings. The project, inspired by MetaVid (, was launched in June 2009 and is built from entirely free and open source software." has been proposed as a new Wikimedia Foundation sister project.

The wiki has been set 'ReadOnly' pending the outcome of the proposal process (but mostly to deal with spam).