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File:Wikiislam.png WikiIslam
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Language: English
Edit mode: Restricted (pending-changes protection)"Restricted (pending-changes protection)" is not in the list (OpenEdit, SaveAfterPreview, LoginToEdit, ConfirmEmail, ByInvitation, Unknown edit mode, Pay to edit, Login via forum, Read-only) of allowed values for the "Wiki edit mode" property.
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
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Main topic: Islam

WikiIslam is an Islamophobic website (although it claims to be critical of Islam) that was created in 2006 by "Faith Freedom International" for the purposes of "helping Muslims leave Islam". It has been reported by several news sources including the Associated Press as being a website that shows a "one sided view of Islam" to make "Muslims look backward and stupid" whilst disguising itself as a website that solely "criticises" Islam.

Wiki size: 2,291 article pages see stats
wikiFactor: 56 info / verify

(As of: 22 January 2012)