WikiIndex:Community portal/News

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< WikiIndex:Community portal
Revision as of 00:02, 12 February 2014 by MarkDilley (talk | contribs) (How do we change the QuestCaptcha? Or stop account creation from being shown in RecentChanges? ~~ ~~)
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< WikiIndex:Community portal

01 February 2014

Ray King brought up the point again of making this wiki confirm by admin to ok the account, I have previously not liked that... but looking at all the account creation spam am open to reconsidering it... how do other folks feel? Best, MarkDilley
Wholly cow it's gotten bad, thoughts? Shall we and if so who's got the credentials to do it? Ray King
  • I like my filters blocking most of them :D --YiFei | talk 04:01, 9 February 2014 (UTC)

I think the problem is the capatcha asks for the name of the wiki and nothing else, which the spambots have already memorized. We need something more effective. Elassint 9 February 2014

We use QuestyCaptcha on too, but we've had to change the questions semi-regularly (every few months or so) because the spammers work out the answer. Once we change the question, it stops them dead again though. --abates (talk) 23:22, 9 February 2014 (UTC)

How do we change the QuestCaptcha? Or stop account creation from being shown in RecentChanges? ~~ ~~

15 January 2014

Stumbled onto this idea, highlighting a wiki a month? Sould like a good idea here? Best, MarkDilley

Sounds good, we could feature it on the home page Raymond King | talk
  • I agree Let's spotlight some more interesting small wikis and ones that have unique features. We could probably do it on a weekly basis. Koavf (talk) 06:37, 22 January 2014 (UTC)

24 June 2013

I have added Template:Size to Form:Wiki. Now when you add a wiki, you can input the size too. --YiFei | talk 06:13, 24 June 2013 (UTC)

That is great! How easy do you think it would be for wikiFactor? :-) ~~ MarkDilley
What? --YiFei | talk 00:18, 25 June 2013 (UTC)
In the size template, there is also a wikiFactor, you put size into form wiki, can you do the same for wikiFactor? or can you show me? Best, MarkDilley
Already there. See Special:FormEdit/Wiki/WikiIndex:Sandbox. --YiFei | talk 05:26, 2 July 2013 (UTC)

20 June 2013

I installed some basic gadgets for now, didn't want to go too crazy. I added a gadget to display a UTC clock for those who prefer that, a gadget for a purge tab/page refresh option, wikiED (since we don't have the WikiEditor extension, I added this for those who want something similar). I also added an enhanced CharInsert option (you can see the difference when editing pages, as it's enabled by default, makes the custom character insert page a nice looking dropdown menu with easy to select options) and a "Sandbox" page option for those who want to do test edits (also enabled by default), and navigation popups, which allows people to see snippets of pages when hovering over links, as well as providing some extra editing options.

If you want me to change or remove anything, I'd be happy to. The gadgets that are enabled by default can be easily modified to be optional, and all of these gadgets can be enabled or disabled in the preferences.

Arcane (talk) 21:23, 20 June 2013 (UTC) Arcane

27 May 2013

MetaWiki is organizing information in a really interesting way, both from an information architecture and design view. [1]. Impressed, MarkDilley

20 May 2013

Edits made after around 2 AM UTC were lost today - Emufarmers has Upgraded software and extensions, still has a few to install, if he decides to. Bug reports need more detail. ~~ MarkDilley

April 2012

I have unified Form:Wiki and Template:Wiki, so now, when you click on "edit with form", the form is autofilled.

Also, I'm creating thousands of new wikis, from Referata, Wikkii and Wikia. emijrp 04:08, 6 April 2012 (PDT)

Cool. There a Wikia version of Form:Wiki? (in the style of Template:Wikia Boilerplate ) --EarthFurst 12:25, 16 May 2012 (PDT)
Template:Wikia_Boilerplate isn't being used. There's nothing special on Wikia wikis except adding Category:Wikia. --Ciencia Al Poder 14:16, 16 May 2012 (PDT)
The Wikia boilerplate template definately IS being used - virtually every Wikia entry on here that I've personally edited is based on or updated with the boilerplate. The 'WhatLinksHere' command won't work (nor will it work on any boilerplate) - the boilerplates are simply used as a 'copy and paste' to assist experienced editors. And Wikia wikis have some very unique attributes, which is why the Wikia boilerplate is so useful. Best regards Hoof Heartedtalk2HH 16:20, 31 August 2012 (PDT)
Add Template:Size to Form:Wiki ? --EarthFurst 09:48, 12 June 2012 (PDT)
"edit with form" doesn't seem to work well with "Show preview". Tried "edit with form" and "Show preview" and gave up after getting no Preview after six minutes. Retried same edit with traditional "edit" and the "Show preview" worked fine. --EarthFurst 14:55, 16 June 2012 (PDT)

Edit with form seems to remove editmode line from infobox. Is that intentional? --EarthFurst (talk) 02:01, 14 August 2012 (PDT)

January 2012

Spam fighting, less spam fighting but it is still here with account spam. Ray King raised the question with me of requiring accounts to be authorized as a way to try and cut spam down to zero. We both loathe this option... but... we wanted to put it out to folks, especially the heros of spam fighting on WikiIndex - to see what you thought about it. Best, MarkDilley

It's nowhere as bad as it once was, so for the moment, I don't think it's necessary. The anon edits were the real pain and they are mostly gone now, so I think that going to a account authorization system would place more of a load on the Admin I think at least. TeraS
From my own experience of discovering and flagging spam, I've noticed that the spammers are now 'registered users'. So, can we say have a minimum edit count (maybe 10 edits) before even registered users can add links . . . or would that put off someone who genuinely wants to add a new valid wiki? --Hoof Heartedtalk2HH 01:26, 26 January 2012 (PST)
I think this is an ok idea, is there a way that we can message around it? Also, I am wondering if we have to do what Ray King asked - do we require people to request accounts? Best, MarkDilley

SOPA fighting. What do folks think about adding WikiIndex to this: - I would like to if there is general consensus. Best, MarkDilley

  • Sounds like a worthy protest. I think WikiIndex should join the strike. --EarthFurst 10:01, 16 January 2012 (PST)

Spam fighting, spam fighting and more spam fighting. Special mention goes to Tera for her spam fighting work the last 6 months (or more) and to many others who carried the torch before. We now have CAPTCHA on account creation and on anonymous edits. Didn't want to have to do it on anonymous edits without a link, but we were getting hit pretty hard the last week. Let's cross our fingers for a less spam 2012. Best to everyone here. ~~ MarkDilley

January 2010
Using this wiki to organize other wiki work, an idea, what you think? ~~ MarkDilley
The idea is called WikiHorde and it is a crew of wiki people (checking to see if we can get that domain) - Best, MarkDilley'
That sounds like a cool idea. By the way, is there a place on WikiIndex for discussing ideas for running a wiki? That would include the above "good methods for inviting/advertising people elsewhere to come edit my wiki", etc. Is there a category for wiki where such "wiki on wiki" conversations are welcomed? Conversations such as, for example, the "Building community" guide. --DavidCary 20:47, 30 January 2010 (EST)
David, wiki on wiki is perfect here - however you want to organize it, and I will go for WikiHorde also! Best, MarkDilley

Reddit mention in comments

Upgrade to MW 1.14.0 coming soon - Tentatively scheduled for 16 Apr 2009
Will be limited downtime. John 19:47, 9 April 2009 (EDT)

As for the upgrade: was it canceled? Best --Wolf | talk 04:26, 20 January 2010 (EST)
Wolf, yes it was and we are needing to figure out a different path to upgrading. Maybe we can chat off wiki? Best, MarkDilley
via WikiMail? --Wolf | talk 14:42, 18 March 2010 (EDT)

Looks like the DPL extension was the source of server outages, everything stable again.
John 19:54, 4 June 2008 (EDT)

Reducing the number of extensions to isolate the source of server load problems:

  • Analytics
  • Dynamic Page List
  • Random Include
  • Thumbnail
John 21:18, 3 May 2008 (EDT)

To avoid the Captcha, Login! and Confirm via Email John 18:24, 20 November 2007 (EST)

Changed reCAPTCHA permissions so that a logged in user who has confirmed via email address should be able to skip the CAPTCHA. We continue to tweek reCAPTCHA to combat the jibberish spam knowing that it was not meant for this purpose, it was meant for link spam. I can always ease off on the restrictions but the price we pay is more jibberish spam. John 18:23, 20 November 2007 (EST)

Upped reCAPTCHA permissions so that any anon edit will trigger the Captcha. This should cut out the jibberish spam but will likely annoy our non-logged in users - Sorry everyone but jibbersish spam is really bugging us. Let me know if any unintended consequences show up. John 21:24, 27 October 2007 (EDT)

Spam has been a growing problem for us so I have implemented a Captcha extension called reCAPTCHA in an effort to reduce the workload on our dedicate volunteer patrollers. If you encounter any problems with it please let me know. John 14:04, 1 September 2007 (EDT)

Once again we have moved, we ran out of database room on our shared hosting account and we are now running on a dedicated server on 1and1. John 15:48, 22 July 2007 (EDT)