Template:TOCright WikiIndex:Policies and Guidelines
WikiIndex is in the process of developing a set of explicit guidelines. Until then, the WikiIndex Admins will monitor the wiki and use their common sense to resolve issues. Where there is a dispute, it will be resolved between the active admins on the site. (Or alternatively a vote amongst the active users.)
Right now, we only have a couple of rules, which have arisen from direct experience:
Spam Control Policy
Actual commercial spam will be mercilessly deleted. Irrelevant content should be instead marked for deletion, to allow a review first. One man's "irrelevant" can be another's "interesting".
Edit wars are right out
If you find yourself repeatedly restoring content somebody else keeps deleting (or the other way around), stop – and seek arbitration.
Blocking Policy
- Needs expanding.
For a few more simple guidelines, see WikiIndex:Editing etiquette or WikiIndex:Guidelines. For other guidelines, see Category:Guidelines.
A discussion of possible policies follows on this articles talk page. See also WikiIndex talk:Policies and Guidelines. For a more personal viewpoint, try User:Lumenos/WikiIndex (unwritten) policies.