- Usage
To use this navigational language template, copy the code below and paste it into the relevant article, changing and/or adding the required language versions separated by a pipe – |
{{Language versions|en|it|pt-br|ru|zh}}
This template currently supports up to forty (40) language versions, but can be expanded upon request to include as many as is desired. For a more detailed view of how we use this template, it might be easier to click on the what links here function, and examine the articles already using this template.
- See also
- Template:Disambiguation — generates a similar-looking banner for general disambiguation;
- Template:Dab header — generates standardised header text for disambiguation articles;
- Template:MultilingualMain — which is used to generate a 'portal'-type of infobox (identified by its pink border);
- WikiIndex:Naming conventions — the fundamental policy of naming articles, including multi-language wikis.