Template:Wiki boilerplate

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Revision as of 00:41, 12 December 2021 by Hoof Hearted (talk | contribs) (update article, reduce standard (unscrolled) width)
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Template:Wiki boilerplate is the generic boilerplate template used for creating a standardised infobox for articles about wiki SITES here on WikiIndex. It is suitable for all wiki article entries, and is applicable to act as a guide for most wiki engine schemas, including MediaWiki. For Fandom-specific wiki articles powered by Wikia (Fandom), use: template:Wikia boilerplate (currently only available in English). For wiki sites powered by all other wiki engines, please amend the requested field answers to their best fit. This boilerplate template has been manually translated from this specific boilerplate into a few other selected wiki languages as listed at the bottom of this page, based on standard MediaWiki terminology. Please make any changes or updates as required, and please create a new boilerplate (including the below red links) in a different language if desired. It should be noted, for ALL MediaWiki sites (apart from early software versions), all non-English wiki sites will automatically translate Special:SpecialPages standard English URLs into the actual language as used on said non-English wiki site.

Please note: when adding and / or amending a date for the field containing the backup file, or the placements for page count and / or wikiFactor (wF), please use the YYYY-MM-DD schema, which is the universal and international ISO 8601 date extended format.

{{Wiki <!--see 'Template:Wiki' for full detail and hidden help advice-->
|name             = WikiName,<br>''<small>tagline</small>''<!--if wiki name is different from article name, to include tagline, for native language name-->
|URL              = YourWikiHttp<!--include http:// or https:// - eg: https://YourWikiURL.org/wiki/Main_Page; if unknown, 'UnknownWikiURL'-->
|logo             = No<!--upload logo & wikilink, or direct URL hotlink; pre-fill defaults: 'No', 'Unknown', 'Upload', 'Private', 'Dead'-->
|wide logo        = <!--insert 'y' when the logo is too wide AND / OR the title name is too long-->
|recentchanges URL= No<!--https://YourWikiURL.org/wiki/Special:RecentChanges, if none, use 'No'-->
|wikinode URL     = No<!--https://YourWikiURL.org/wiki/WikiNode, if none, use 'No'-->
|about URL        = No<!--https://YourWikiURL.org/wiki/PROJECTNAMESPACE:About, if none, use 'No'-->
|mobile URL       = No<!--https://m.YourWikiURL.org or https://YourWikiURL.org/index.php?title=Main_Page&mobileaction=toggle_view_mobile-->
|founder          = unknown<!--wiki founder(s) name(s); wikilink or hotlink if available; if unknown, use 'unknown'-->
|status           = YourWikiStatus<!--'Active' is appropriate for most sites; see Category:Wiki Status for more info-->
|language         = YourWikiLanguage<!--eg: English, Multilingual, Japanese etc; only ONE entry in this field-->
|editmode         = YourWikiEditMode<!--'OpenEdit' if IP users can edit WITHOUT logging in, 'LoginToEdit' if not; all options at Category:Wiki Edit Mode-->
|engine           = YourWikiEngine<!--software which the wiki runs on (or 'powered by'), eg: MediaWiki; see Category:Wiki Engine-->
|license          = YourWiki'sLicense<!--preferred, NO version numbers; see Category:Wiki License; if NO license, 'NoLicense'-->
|maintopic        = YourWikiTopic<!--only ONE main, primary topic; other sub-topics added as tags within description prose below-->
|backupurl        = <!--database dump backup file URL; found at '/Special:Statistics' on Wikia & some other MediaWiki sites; archived URL may also be used-->
|backupdate       = 20YY-MM-DD<!--YYYY-MM-DD, ISO 8601 extended date of backup URL; if unknown, dynamic date or NO date, DELETE this field-->
}}{{Stub}}<!--use stub template if lacking adequate description, or needing update; remove stub if up-to-date & detailed prose included-->
{{Size <!--see 'Template:Size' for full detail-->
|pages= <!--plain numeric value for number of CONTENT pages (or Files on a commons wiki); NO thousands separators-->
|statistics URL= No <!--page count source, often a '/Special:Statistics' or 'PageSize' page; if unknown type 'No'-->
|wikiFactor= <!--preferred; see: Category:wikiFactor; if wF unknown leave void; archived wF value may be used-->
|wikiFactor URL= <!--wF source; often 'PopularPages', 'Mostvisitedpages', 'PageHits'; leave void if unknown; archived URL if available-->
}}(Page count as of: 20YY-MM-DD<br>wikiFactor as of: 2012-MM-DD)<!--YYYY-MM-DD; manually add/amend ISO 8601 date when stats are verified and/or updated-->

<!-- remove this 'hidden text' comment (between <!-- and -->) after:
Full and factual description of wiki site here, including detail on wiki subject matter, founder and / or owner, history, community 
of people on wiki, wiki software and host, independent awards or nominations, and any problems such as technical problems or user 
complaints, 'tag' specific subject words to auto-include them into categories as follows: {{tag|notable subject}}.  (The tag template 
is used to make a word in the text into wikilink and auto-include into the category of that same name.)  Although not required, 
please try to support any commentary with inline references to valid external citations.

;''See also
List any additional articles here on WikiIndex that may be relevant or related to this specific wiki site

<References/><!--use for inline <ref>citation URL</ref> sources-->

;''External links
*[https://WikiParentURL.org WikiParentURL.org] — official 'parent' website of wiki (if any)
*{{Wp|wiki site article on English Wikipedia}} — on the [[English Wikipedia]]
OFFICIAL web forums, and social media sites which DIRECTLY support the actual wiki site may also be included.
Off-topic links are not allowed; they will be treated a spam, and will be removed.

{{Multi-language ArticleProject}} - for 'navigational' templates used to link different language versions of the same wiki,
such as Wikipedia, or if a single subject has many differing wikis, such as StarWars or Final Fantasy.

If a tagable category name does not appear in the description prose text, use and amend the '[[Category:FirstAdditional]]' etc 
at the BOTTOM of the page edit box to manually add categories.  Please list all skin categories after additional subject 
categories (found at '/Special:Version').  Finally, add the year of founding, like so... -->
[[Category:Monobook]]<!--skin categories-->
[[Category:FoundedIn20xx]]<!--Special:AncientPages, or https://YourWikiURL.org/w/index.php?title=Main_Page&dir=prev&action=history-->
All wiki language boilerplate versions available for template:Wiki