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[{{{URL}}} {{{logo}}}] | [{{{URL}}} KayakWiki] [{{{recentchanges URL}}} Recent changes] [No WikiNode] [No About] [No Mobile URL] |
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Status: | [[:Category:{{{status}}}|{{{status}}}]] |
Language: | [[:Category:Wiki {{{language}}}|{{{language}}}]] |
Edit mode: | [[:Category:{{{editmode}}}|{{{editmode}}}]] |
Wiki engine: | [[:Category:{{{engine}}}|{{{engine}}}]] |
Wiki license: | [[:Category:Wiki {{{license}}}|{{{license}}}]] |
Main topic: | [[:Category:{{{maintopic}}}|{{{maintopic}}}]] |
Subjects relating to kayaks and kayaking, with...
- KayakWiki is a WikiWiki web site whose focus is Kayaks and Kayaking. Subjects may range from Eskimo rolling to Building Kayaks.
- Guidebook style information about kayaking places around the world.
Needs love?
It's classed as Category:Active. Recently it was ported to Mediawiki (from UseModWiki) and takes advantage of the spam-proofing that Mediawiki sites have. It has been revamped and is doing quite well, with not a single spam attack since the port took place in April, 2006.